fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Friday, April 11, 2008

I felt Ok after my chemo and the improvement in my bone pain was remarkable and gradually my swallowing ability has improved now but I can still run into difficulties which is horrible and embarassing when eating out if the food is not as damp as i thought.
Very kindly, the inlaws took the children for the weekend before we went away so it gave me a chance to rest and pack slowly before the holiday. Hubby was working on the saturday so really appreciated the time to myself. Woody had 2 parties at the weekend so we were very grateful that they did all the running around.
Saturday night some of hubby's friends came round and we had another chinese takeaway. Usually, (as you know) Chinese food comes with lots of sauces so I can manage that more easily. It was a good night and so lovely and peaceful to wake up without the chaos of the children. Hubby woke me up so that I could see the snow. I'd had a restless night with restless legs again so wasn't as impresed as I might have been if I'd slept better. Beginning to wondering if it is the chemo which is making me have this horrible problem as it happened thursday and saturday night and a little bit on friday night. Apparently there is no known cure for this problem so that must be awful for people who get this all the time. I ended up sleeping downstairs on the bedsettee thursday and saturday night but that seemed to help the problem or maybe it was just the act of walking abound that helped.
It snowed on the sunday - only about 1-2 cm here but the children assured me it was deeper at their grandparents house. They had a wonderful time in the snow and built a snowman who survived till monday. The coldness was beginning to worry me as the caravan had only 1 heater in the lounge so we had been lent 2 fans from friends as a bacck up as the electricity was included. I thought the twins should be OK as they had been camping in minus 3 in November - it was AJ and myself I was worried about.
The children returned about 5pm but I didn't wake up till about 6pm!! Good job it was the school holiday and not a school day the following day or we'd have never have made it!!!
To totally change subjects now and after saying here that people might not want to read my thoughts about my end of life etc I began to wonder if that was the right way to go about it so i ended up putting up a thread about it in the bc support forum I belong to and got quite a few ideas and comments which have been very useful and made me think about it a bit more and so have added to it now as I'd missed some points out. Thank you for your comments - it did help me focus more and gave me some more to think and work on about later - definately a work in progress!!!



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