This last stay in hospital has really frightenened me and made me realise how vulnerable I am now. I know when one of our friends died we suddenly didn't realise what she liked and disliked so although all of this is in my muddled death book, i thought it sensible to have some of this written down now so when the time comes you know what I like dislike etc.
- I want to die in the hospice and for people to make my room homely with flowers and my ipod playing in my speaker sytem at times
- I want my v pillow and memory pillow
- Hopefully be in my own clothes/pajamas
- Please if I have any hair by then that it is brushed and cleaned
- Please make sure my mouth is clean and lips moisturised
- My skin is moisturised, face and body
- I have no worries about other people me naked in a dignified way
- Please ensure my wedding ring is off and hubby is keeping it in safe place
- I want to receive the last rites or whatever it is they do in C of E
- I like massage and being touched apart from where my hair is/was but if bald, i know last time the skin got skanky and needed defoliating and mosturised.
- Shave my legs if appropriate - not got any hair in other places really any more!!
- I have a view that euthanasia is correct but I know it is illegal in this country but if anything can be done to hasten my death at that point please don't stop it.
I have no objections to anybody coming to see me in the Chapel of Rest but I leave it up to you as I don't want anybody forced into things they do not feel they can do
Please can I wear the dress and cardi that I wore for my wedding renewal service.
- Please don't wear all black unless you are a Goth
- Please book a double slot at the Crem as otherwise it is like a supermarket checkout!!!
- I would like groups of family/friends to club together so there are some flowers. Wreaths are expensive so either do a wreath if that makes you happy or bunches of flowers with messages are fine with me. I like white, cream, yellows and blue flowers but depends on time of year.
- With money left over from collections for flowers please can you donate this to
- - Cancer Reserach UK or
- - Countess Mountbattern Hospice
- If anybody wants to write a tribute but does not want to read it out, the chaplin will. I know so many people from different stages in my life that later friends do not know my past and older friends do not always know how other family and friends fit in.
- If someone will read a scripture passage and somebody else or 2, a non religious piece or 2, please let hubby know. If not the chaplin will do this as well but would be nice to hear another voice I think for the congretation. The reading I would like is the one we had at our wedding renewal of saying 'Did I ever thank you'
- but the others are Taken from 'Poetry Please - a collection from Radio 4 listeners and are
- - Indian Prayer no 2
- - A song of Living - no 18
- Let me not see old age no 51
- - Adieu; And Au Revoir No 78
- I want Lord of Hopefulness but can't decide on other hymn or piece of music at the moment
- Well that's not strictly true, my favourite but not be appropriate are the following
- Carry You Home - James Blunt
- The Other Side - Scissor Sisters
- You To Me are Everything - The Real Thing
- Love Song - The Cure
- The Forest - The Cure
- Wires - Athlete
- The Drugs Don't Work - The Verve
- Reach Out - Take That
- I'd Wait for life - Take That
- Hopefully my children will come so if you feel so if you feel it is appropriate then bring them but I recognise it may not be appropriate for you or your children
- Please don't feel obliged to come - lots of us have bad memories of funerals/crem services and I don't want to further stress people by feeling obliged to come if it is going to cause you too much stress but it would be nice if you could just drop a line to hubby and children.
- I would like there to be some kind of buffet afterwards - need to arrange venue and caterers for this as some people will be travelling a long distance and I would like to provide tea and cakes or something simple for afterwards.
I would like my Ashes scattered in the water in The New Forest if allowable or if not at the Devil's Kneading Bowl in Wye, Kent.
This will be added/deducted to at a later date but if it happens sooner at least you have a bit to go on with
Thing is are you going to read this now or later??!! - there is no way for me to tell unless you leave comments which would probably help me especially with the scripture readings, prayers, poems and songs/music. Thanks.
Difficult to post and must be difficult to read but please me any suggestions - you can leave them completely anonomously.
At 5:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
What a wonderful thing to do...I have done a type of 'Funeral Plan' but you have given me more idea of what I should include.
I love the idea of joint are lovely but so expensive.
I hadn't even thought about how I might like to 'go' only what I'd like after I've are so clever...
Clare xx
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