That started me thinking of other watery problems I'd encountered.
- the flat in Willesden Green that got flooded in a flash summer downpour. The water came in through the back door and flooded the bathroom, kitchen and lounge. The landlord's contribution to the smelly carpets the flood caused was to give us a bottle of 'shake and vac'
- the flat in Putney which had an upside down arrangement so the bedrooms were downstairs and level with next doors garden even though when you entered at the top you were on the ground level!! Here my bedroom was tiny and had a tiny fanlight window. I went away over christmas and came back to a bedroom full of water because the overflow pipe had been placed at such an angle that water instead of dripping out the end of it, trickled back along it and into my window. That flat also had a flat roof and one day water came through the centre light!!
- a holiday chalet on Hayling Island where we'd left my niece in the care of the babysitting service and gone to the night club to come back to discover water pouring through the bathroom roof and through the lightswitches. We got moved pretty smartish despite it being midnight!!
- the house in south croydon which looked beautifully decorated when we moved in but came apparent very quickly that there was a big damp problem and when it got cold all the pipes froze so we couldn't use the loo or bath until it thawed - bit awkward that
- my house in Ashford where the hot water tank suddenly started to leak and I had to leave it on all the time to keep the pipes expanded so that water wouldn't weep out for 3 days until the plumber could come.
- Our house now - when we moved in we discovered that there was a fault in the valve so that the heating came on whenever you put the hot water on. As it was summer, it was rather hot until we could get that sorted out and no plumber has ever sorted out all the strange pipework the previous owner put in
- blocked sewers here - hubby's favourite job
- AJ - flooding our stairwell when we went out for the afternoon!!! He had put the plug in the sink after washing his hands but left the tap running so it overflowed, all through the bathroom and down through the ceiling and into downstairs
As an Aquarian, I remember that I'm supposed to get on with Librans (luckily my Hubby is one) and Geminis (my sister) and clash with Taureans. That is a bit unfortunate since all 3 children are born under a taurean sky - explains a lot I suppose.
I'm sure Aquarians are supposed to be eccentric - no comments please - but I was very tempted to wear my new bright green shoes with my wonderful deep red skirt today!!!
Actually, I've now googled Aquarian traits and this is what it says - Traditional Aquarian Traits
Friendly and humanitarian. Honest and loyal. Original and inventive. Independent and intellectual ummm - I would like to think this is all true - please don't disillusion me!!
On the dark side....Intractable and contrary. Perverse and unpredictable. Unemotional and detached - ask my nearest and dearest what they think. Unemotional - would tend to say the opposite but I know I am in certain situations. Me - contrary, pereverse and unpredictable - never!!!
Just found another bit from this site and apparently Aquarians
Fighting for Causes
Dreaming and Planning for the Future
Thinking of the Past
Good Companions
Having Fun
Yep - I fight for causes - need to tell you about my PALS meeting. Dreaming and planning for the future - well that's changed. Good comapnion - sounds like I'm a pet. Having fun - would like to think so but not always able to do this
Full of Air Promises
Excessive Loneliness
The Ordinary
Probably but I'm not against imitations
and even more!!!
Possible Health Concerns...As Aquarius is said to govern the legs from knees to ankles and the circulation of blood, its natives are susceptible to ailments particularly in the legs and ankles, such as cramps, and are also liable to spasmodic and nervous complaints, as well as wind, catarrh, diarrhea, dropsy, goiter and delirium tremens - so that the avoidance of alcohol is important for those Aquarians who have a taste for it. Hmphhh - now think this is a load of ****** Avoiding alcohol - no chance. As for wind, dropsy and delirium tremors - no comment. Knees to ankles - I always thought they were better part of me!!!
Oh well - good job I don't take this too seriously then. Quick - find me a glass of wine so I can be perverse, fun and a good companion who will think of the past and dream of the future!! Then suffer with wind, dropsy and bad ankles.
Labels: Aquarius influence
At 7:36 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Being an aquarian myself and being very interested in astrology... and owning a book all about aquarians i would be more than willing to lend you it, i myself am a typical aquarius, i try not to be too intimate with anyone i like boundaries hence detached, i love humanity(aquarian trait) but hate the human race, i believe in equality and i love shopping in old shops for that random piece of clothing no one else will have, i crave individuality, much like you with your red skirt and green shoes and i am currently wearing a purple top with a light green top over the top, and green and black stripy sox under my black work trousers lol. Being that our sign carries water i would of thought we were watery but alas we are an Air sign surprisingly, we are a fixed sign and so have very strong usually unmoving opinions.our ideal partners are actually sagitarius... oooo and my boyfriend's a cancer have to leave him then ;) haha. we are airy and alas a little out of the ordinary ;) and so can be quite ditzy and very random, and we do fight for what we believe is right even if no one stands by our side. anyway... i love astrology blah blah i'm boring you and so i shall leave this comment and get back to doing nothing at work. *cry* Love E... aka the girl that flooded her flat :P xxx (Anonymous
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