fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Well - thank you for your support over my miserable day. I forgot to say that other problems I encountered that thursday was poor AJ put on his new Startrite shoes and found a huge lump in the foot. This can't have been the pair he tried on when we bought them as he was totally unable to put any weight on his foot as the lumpwas so huge. I phoned john Lwewis on friday to see if they could put a pair aside for me and was told that there were no more in stock and that I would have to come in to order them. I was going into town anyway so popped in and the shoe lady couldn't believe what the telephonist had told me as they had plenty of stock so I've managed to exchange AJ's shoes for ones without a huge lump in. She did ask me if he'd worn the shoes outside though - I just said veru calmly 'no - he couldn't put his foot into his shoes!!' The lump was visible when you peered in his shoes!!
My lymphoedema sleeve has now arrived and is comfortable but it is a huge struggle to put it on. It had apparently been sent to the hospice before christmas but had turned up on the ward rather than the physio department where I go so they did not know me and besides when I looked at the label it has my name spelt wrongly. Yes - the label where it normally says the size has my full name printed in!!! My forename is correct but my surname is totally a different variation of anything that hubby and I had ever seen before and that is aying something!! It was manufactured in Germany so it probably did sound more German than English with the way they've spelt it. No wonder no-one at the hospice knew who it belonged to!!
PALS have not got back to me so next week I will have to call in and complain to them about their shoddy service as well!!
Really slept in late this morning. I woke at 1030am (as did hubby) cos my mobile went off. If it hadn't gone off then I don't know how long I would have slept for!!! The children were too occupied downstairs to notice that their parents were still asleep and hadn't even made their breakfasts or had a drink!!
Now it's apparently 4pm but feels like 2pm and our eating patterns have gone haywire!
Better be organised tomorrow as been invited out for lunch!!


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