fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Funny Habits - I remember somewhere in my nurse training discussing 'habits' and obsessions. Actually, I don't think we ever did discussions and small group exercises in my nurse training- it was 'all chalk and talk'. However, in the mental health unit I remember it being more interactive and being memorable in the fact that the tutor said I could knit though the discussions as I had told them I knitted to relax!!! I got the jumper finished and I know which one but have no memory of what I actually learnt in that unit.
To go back to 'funny habits', I remember being taught that we all have addictions, habits and obsessions and if you think about it, I'm sure you can all think of something unique to you that is odd. Although, saying that last night one of my friends denies having any obsessions and I think she is probably right!!
I am addicted to tea and chocolate but I know I'm not addicted to alcohol and food but maybe that's just chemo induced. Habits - well generally, I find it impossible to be tidy but I do love it when other people can organise my stuff and make it look neat. My brain and body seem incapable of achieiving it and I'm constantly amazed by what other people who help me can achieve in this house in the minimal of time. Thank you. Hubby will tell you untrue stories about me and tissues but let's not get into that now!! Now onto obsessions - this is very odd - I know it is and I bite my tongue because logic and politeness tell me it is very selfish and downright odd to say anything but I like my tea in certain mugs and coffee in others. So I expect none of you will ever offer to make tea and coffee ever again - serves me right I suppose!!!



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