We started off on the saturday before my birthday by going out for a meal and staying the night with a college friend of Pete's and his wife. The children were all looked after by another friend which was brilliantly kind of them. We went to a pub and were treated to a lovely meal. I had half a duck - wondered if it was a GM duck as it was rather large!!! The vegetables were cooked beautifully and so would thoroughly recommend The Cricketers, Longparish.
We then played a word game (the name of which escapes me) which seemed to prove that girls do have a wider vocabulary than boys as us girlies won each time!!
It was blissful in the morning to wake up to quietness and no hassle of the children and have a very leisurely breakfast.
We got back in time for Pete to take the twins off to their show practice whilst I went back to sleep. not sure why I needed that extra sleep but I did
Monday - I had a bit of an emotional crisis - and so had to be rescued by a couple of mums in the playground. I'd got confused about when Pete was working and when he was off and suddenly realised that I wasn't going to be able to go out for lunch with him as he was at work and I'd promised to take the twins to the high 5s match and I didn't fancy having a very overactive AJ being with me to watch. A mum sorted out arrangements for AJ to go after school and onto Beavers and I went to work. It's less stressful at work than trying to cope at home.
Then Pete phoned to say he was taking the next day off so we could celebrate so it all panned out in the end.
The high 5s match - they lost 6-0 but in their defence I would say the opponenets looked like they were Yr6 pupils or else are given special food to make them extra tall. All 6 goals were scored in one quarter by 2 girls. One of which was so tall, she could almost slam dunk them!! Anyway, it was good fun to watch.
Tuesday - Breakfast in bed and lots of pressies and cards to open before the usual getting ready to school routine. Woody was videoing the event but he seemed a bit wobbly so it will probably look as if we were sitting on a small boat in a big storm!!!
I had lots of messages, flowers and visits and presies during the day which was lovely.
I met my friend from my student nursing days for lunch in Marks and Spencer and then did some shopping and bought some rather odd things. The blouse looks too old for me and the stripey top was designed for a wide shouldered busty person and so did not fit at all. I also bought a pair of flattish cream shoes and very high heeled pair of green shoes. I did fancy a pale pink pair but wasn't sure what I could wear them with. I liked the pale very pointed green stiletto heeled shoes but didn't think I would be able to walk in them!! The pair I bought are high wedges so more surface area for me and my wobbling gait!! Still might take them back though!!!
Laura had gone out to a Brownie Hawaiian night and Woody had one straight from school via the childminder to a bowling party so it was a bit odd at home with only AJ and Pete.
Later on, I went out with a friend to see Casino Royale - gorgeous body but not expecting that much violence. This film started at 2045 and we left my house at 1930 but had stopped at another friends house for a drink. This turned into quite a few drinks for me and in the end we left the house at 2040 and drove at high speed to the cinema and got in a few minutes after the film had started but before the opening sequence with the song in.
So I had anexcellent birthday with lots of pressies which I don't want to list because I know I will either make you very jealous or I will offend someone by not mentioning their present.
Wednesday - I used my 'Secret Santa' vouchers and had a wonderful aromotherapy and reiki session. It really helped my back and made me feel so much better physically, emotionally and spiritually. I then went to work and surprised myself by remembering how to get the table of results from my infamous audit in word into excel, produce a graph, label it and get it back into my word document!!! Now was this luck or did the aromotherapy oils reawaken my brain. Whatever it was - I was really impressed that I didn't need to ask for help. The aromotherapy hasn't helped me format properly though so will still have to pass it to the secretary for prettying up.
In the afternoon, I took Laura and a friend to the Junior Recorder Consort. I was under the impression that they would continue with their descant recorders but apparently we will have to pay £16 for a yamaha treble recorder. Oh well, I suppose at least the consort itself is free.
It would have been a cheap day if I hadn't decided to go shopping inbetween dropping the girls off and picking them up. This time I bought a long blousy, smocky thing - it's pretty but you wouldn't know that from that terrible description - and a green based blouse with a butterfly pattern and a green cardi. I do like my cardis - this last couple of years with all these long cardis and shrug things have been right up my street.
Actually - just realised it was infact quite an expensive day as we booked our flights and train tickets for Scotland. Really looking to going away with Pete and seeing my friend and her partner. Don't think the children are impressed.
Thursday - work where they sang happy birthday and I got loads of flowers and we ate more cake. Would thoughly recommend Waitrose lemon sponge - very delicious.
This afternoon, I spent an hour helping the Yr 2 children play snakes and ladders outside for maths day with the bounciest dice you could ever imagine. There would have been time for 2 games if the dice had just rocked a bit instead of being a bit like a weevil - do you remember those toys for toddlers which had the buyline of 'weevils wobble but never fall down'. I expect you to correct me if I've got that wrong, eldest niece and sister or anybody else who knows what I'm going on about!!!
Labels: birthday
At 1:55 PM ,
Anonymous said...
WEEBLES WOBBLE BUT THEY DON;T FALL DOWN!!!!!! :) i always liked teh firestation but never got it :( aww.... TIS MAGNOLIA BTW, hope you are well and enjoyed your birthday POODLE!!!!! Love muchly xxx
At 3:49 PM ,
Anonymous said...
It was indeed weebles that wobbled and didn't fall down - I was lucky enough to have the Weeble House and the Weeble Playground - a slide, swings and a roundabout. And I clearly remember one of the weebles was meant to be a schoolboy, and he had an orange school cap and was holding a lolly (well, I say holding, but all his clothes and arms were just outlines on his body)
Love Ange
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