fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hubby was delivering our new mattress on saturday as he was working. I had to recruit the children into clearing a pathway into the bedroom so that the mattress could be delivered without knocking or breaking anything. Found the odd thing that had been missing for a while and umpteen unfinished crossword books. Not sure whether to be really sad and jsut cut out the ones I would do so I can get rid of this huge pile. We then had a well deserved sweet treat and rest. Actually, the week had caught up with me but luckily hubby had finished work early so spent the afternoon in bed. Then had to go food shopping for our usual pizza treat on a saturday. Whilst there, Woody persuaded me to buy the Mr Bean's Holiday DVD - it seemed the better option than the Robinson Family - honestly!!! Hubby hadn't seen the film so he found it very funny.
Beginning to panic now about my numbness and swellng in my arm. Trying to convince myself that it is innocent but have an awful feeling that there is either spread up in my shoulder and now not sure if there is a lump in my neck as well. It doesn't help that about a month ago, one of my friend's who had previously been clear from her cancer, developed secondaries whilst on chemo and then was diagnosed with tumours in her brain and so has been very poorly. It also would have been my Ozzy's friend's 40th birthday on 22nd September and it is also the first anniversary of the death of another email friend who died very quickly so feeling very vulnerable at the moment. At least, I've got the wedding renewal day to organise to keep my brain busy with other non-cancer things.
Sunday, I went to London to meet the rest of our little gang to 'celebrate' our Ozzy's friends 40th birthday. I could not find the venue so one of them had to come out of the place to meet me outside The Hippodrome and we still couldn't see each other until we were about 2 foot apart!!! The wine was lovely but not so sure about the food. We shared tiger prawns in a chilli sauce and satay chicken which tasted lovely but portions small. I then had pasta which I had to send back as it was cold. They did reheat it but it was a bit disconcerting!! I then had pavlova as that was one of my ozzy's friends favourite dishes so we felt we could not let her down by not having any. Again, this was very soft and undercooked. That night I flet very hot and quite unwell and by the morning, the toilet was fast becoming my best friend. I perked up after 4 imodium tablets in 4 hours and was jsut about well enough to go out to meet my oxford friend for coffee at Mand S. They have changed the location of the cafe but it is so tiny now but at least you can hear each other talk. Presumably, when they have finished upgrading the store a bigger cafe will be built - I love their coffee and cake!!
We had a nice afternoon chatting etc.
In the evening, the twins and i went to see one of the secondary schools. It was shambolic!! The problem is they are closing the local mixed school and building a new Foundation Academy run by a Christain based organisation. This will be built on the existing boy's school site which is probably just under 2miles away. The teacher's from both schools are having to reapply for their jobs as they are combining the 2 schools so not many teachers turned up and some of those that did were not bothered about talking to parents. Saying that the prefects doing the tours were wonderful and there was some impressive artwork etc up. The head teacher#s are leaving so it will be a new head with a mixture of new and old teachers. They can not say when the new school will be built - apparently the council have been so slow in trying to access money the new school may not open till 2011/12 when the twins will be in Year 10!!! The old school is in desparate need of new facilities yet the one they are closing down has recently been refurbished. This was all supposed to have happened last year but cos of the council's laxadasical attitude and competency, it still has not happened. All Oasis wanted to talk about was what their ethos was all about building confidence and life skills and nothing concrete about actaully getting an education to get GCSEs. Most schools are pushing the life skills anyway - what I want is to know that the level of education will be good. I don't think the school did itself any favours by showing us the 'exclusion' rooms where unruly pupils are kept/taught!! Not the best selling point in the world is it!!!!
We have to make a decision by 19th Oct so going to see another school this evening. I have spoken to this school's deputy today who gave me much more faith that their pastoral care is good and obviously for us this is a big facor. Will have to get a letter from the school or maybe the onc so that the children fit into 'special needs'category as it is out of catchment area but the junior school is still a feeder school to this other school but it was previously an all girl's school so you have that worry about how much experience the teachers have of teaching boys. Hard decisions that I don't want to make!!
On the wedding front, thanks to everybody who has replied and have been busy talking to the caterer and bought banqueting rolls and napkins. Now need to sort out cutlery - thought you might appreciate that if you are coming and the glasses I need to get. Bought plastic cups for the kids and soft drinks but want something better for the adult drinks.
Need to distract myself again as hand is going numb and of course have now developed neck pain since the onc suggested I could have secondaries there!!



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