We left very early (730am) to get to Chichester but glad we did as queues minimal. Very oddly, the disabled car park was a long way off from the tent (I mean a good 5 minute walk over rough terrain) where you got the mobility scooters from. We asked about this and eventually got a lift in a 50s jeep which was great fun but not sure if other people would have been able to get on the jeep so not well thought out Goodwood!!!
The racing was fantastic!!! As a disabled scooter user we could get up on the ramps and see really well. The Grandstand seats cost about £40 each and we only paid £10 for the scooter and had just as fantastic views especially where the big screen was. Lots of people were dressed up in 50s/60s clothes so it was great to see so many people all dressed up and playing the part!! Food was expensive - £5 for a chicken and avocoda sandwich!!!
We saw all the races and also the displays of 1950s caravans which was hilarious!!
I got a puncture in the first hour so poor hubby had to go all the way back to get me another scooter and then someone pointed out that there was a mobile number on the key fob so we could have phoned for help instead!! Anyway, scooter number 2 was fine for the rest of the day!!
Sunday, we met up with hubby's college friend in Avebury and had a great time there. My blisters were still sore so ended up crawling up a bank as couldn't walk it!!! Had a good sleep in the car for some reason!!
Monday - was Aj's first day at junior school and felt so mean leaving him at the childminders for his first day there.
We arrived at the hospital at 830am and they couldn't find me on the list so had to hang around until the secretary came in who confirmed I was booked in for the afternoon so infact could have had breakfast instead of being nil by mouth since midnight. They did let me have a cup of tea though but still fel;t very cros about this. Then went to get blood test done and there was about 20 patients there already so when I saw someone come out of the room, I immediately just went in and explained I was having an op that day and needed my blood done urgently. The phlebotamist was fine but you can imagine the looks I got from the waiting crowds!!!
We then had about 3 hours to kill so came home instead. We went back at noon and it was obvious that they do not want relatives to be sitting there waiting. The chairs were wooden and sloped so you couldn't just sit there without falling off!!! In the end I asked to be moved to somewhere more comfportable and where I could put my feet up as my ankles swell so quickly. We sat in brand new soft chairs which are obviously never used!!
I went through about 215 to see the registrar and although he was very nice I was pleased that the consultant wanted to do me. The nurse actually got a venflon in my hand first time so was well impressed with her. They sprayed my nose and throat with local anaesthetic which tasted of banana liquer so along with that and the sedation I was in happy place in Tenerife where I was riding camels and seeing bananas growing but my dreams kept being interupted by the consultant who kept telling me he was spraying local anaesthetic on my vocal chords etc and then started shouting at me to give big coughs which totally confused me especially as he used my full name so I knew I was in trouble!!!! I woke up at one part to hear him say my airway was 'critically narrow' which perturbed me.
I then went into the recovery room where I came out of the sedation really quickly and was up to the loo in about 15 mins after the investigation and couldn't go to sleep. I went home an hour after they had started the bronchoscopy and was in the co-op with my mum about 45 minutes later!!! At 430pm I was allowed to start to drink and eat again which was a big relief!!!
Tuesday - my mu and I went to a local outlet village and bought a lovley winter coat for £18 so well pleased plus the shoes for the wedding blessing at half price!! Then was exhausted of course but after finishing off a bottle of wine I then had a second wind and went to see my neighbour for more wine and got home at 1am!!! Still couldn't settle so stayed up till 330am!! Still I felt well the next day and met up with work colleagues for a lovely lunch.
Thursday - I knew it would be along day at chemo as they had had to fit me in as extra. My appointment was at 10m and was seen at 130pm. My father-in-law was also at the hospital for a procedure so managed to catch up with my mother-in-law for coffee and she stayed with me while I had the herceptin and the bone builders. Finished at 430pm which was the time we could pick up my father-in-law so they were able to give me a lift home so that was really kind of them and helped me out a lot.
Today, I had my hair cut and straightened so that the hardresser could get used to my misbehaving hair!!! Then went out for lunch with a friend which was lovely but this is not going to help me lose the weight I gained whilst on holiday though!!!
Felt exhausted this afternoon so had a long sleep whilst hubby and Woody and friend went out to local ruins to play hide and seek etc and collect conkers. The other 2 were at friends so that was a great help.
Tomorrrow, supposed to be crab fishing and looking at bridesmaid shoes but Laura has an abcess on her gum so think will end up seeing emergency dentist instead!!
Labels: Goodwood/bronchoscopy
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