fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Feeling happier - the beetroot's gone from the fridge and the bowl washed out, the IPod is functioning and after refusing to allow me yesterday to upload all of the Take That CD onto it - (for some reason only the last 2 songs had transfered to the iPod), i've now got all of the CD on it so can go to sleep happily with it tonight.
Yesterday afternoon, I colected AJ from schooland we went into town to spnd his birthday money on some ATOM toys. That means Alpha Teens on Machines and is the new kind of action man. He was so happy to come out with me alone and choose his toys that I think it made up for all the upset on his birthday.
Today, we had to take Snowy to the vet as her fur had started to fall out and she big bald patches. The vet didn't really know what was wrong but gave her 2 injections - an insecticide and a painkiller for the sum of £22 and we've got to go back next week. Unfortunately, this was what happened to Rosie shortly before she died so rather worried about how Laura would take that news.
My friend came down with wetsuits for laura to try on for sea scouts -what a palava to get them on and not get her hair caught in the zip!! So it was great to see her and have a chat. We're hoping between us that we can organise for me and Pete to go out on a yacht in the Solent as it is something I want to do but between us we have so many commitments it will be a miracle if it happens.
This morning the twins played a video clip from YouTube that they had to write questions about. It was quite a basic animation but had beautiful piano music accompanying it. After lots of searching, we found it comes from the French film, Amelie so now I'm on a search for the soundtrack especailly after watching the film this evening. Amazon are selling the soundtrack for £25 which seems steep so if anybody has any ideas where I can get the complete soundtrack to Amelie for half the price I'd be grateful!! Cheap skate I know!!
AJ went out this afternoon with his friend and the twins and a friend went to the GP surgery fete and I had a massive sleep. Hubby had come home in the first hour of my sleep but I slept for 3 hours which was too long as now of course I don't want to go to bed.
I am very aware that this rib cartilage is definately more painful when I've been driving or lifting things so that is another good excuse not to do any house work then!! I've been thinking that I used to take voltarol for pain every day and now I only take it on somedays so perhaps I should go back to taking them as it is annoying me and making me grumpy. My toe nails are still bad but am so grateful that I've lost so much feeling in my toes or I think they would be agony.
Tomorrow I'm meeting up with my little gang and we will drink lots of aussie red wine as a tribute and then we need to write something to say at the Memorial service. Still feel sad but feeling generally more chirpier than yesterday.
I'm sure I was going to tell you some exciting news about my laundry but have totally forgotten what it was - Please don't be too devastated that you can not read about my latest laundry escapade - it will come back to me and you can hear another tale about odd socks etc



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