- omeprazole - a stomach protector tablet in the morning and sometimes in the evening
- 2 voltarol for pain
- 10 xeloda tablets
- 20mg amytyrptylline at night for nerve pain
- occasionally codeine for pain or the runs (upto 4 a day)
- domperidone (usually 2-4 a day) for sickness
- sulfracate - white sticky stuff for my sore mouth
- the occasional swig of morphine if pain really bad or my breathing is bad and I'm getting stressed about it.
When I went to stay with my mum last week I had a huge bag of tablets, and lotions and potions!! it had to be seen to be believed!!!
In Kent, we went to Howletts and Port Lympne Wildlife Parks. I loved the gorillas but not the smell. One male apparently does not like children and frightened Laura, Woody and their 12 yr old cousin by jumping towards them and banging on the bars and throwing hay which he'd sprayed on!! Horrific smell and I couldn't get rid of it!! We also saw a break dancing gorilla who loved to regugitate his food and eat it again - very repulsive!! One of my school friends treated us to Port Lympne so thank you so much - we had a great time and I don't think that woman on the safari bus will forget you saying 'oh I've dropped the maggots'!!! She bought food for the meercats and it contained live maggots and other dried food!!!
The children all went swimming - their 2 cousins and their mum. I stayed in and sewed. They got thrown out - a feat I've never managed. Aunty got out and left the 5 children and was going to call them in about 10 minutes when the lifeguard went upto AJ and asked him how old he was. He dutifully replied '6' and when asked if he had an adult with him, he replied she was in the changing room so they all had to get out!!
We also went to see Mr Bean goes on Holiday which was jsut about passable but the codeine probably skewed my opinion.
I also went to see a friend's parents who I hadn't seen for about 20 years. I don't think they have changed at all. Her dad did say he did recognise after a while but who can blame him when I havea poodilicious haircut. That same evening my friend and her daughter came round to see me at my mum's house. It was great and it was hard to believe we hadn't seen each other for about 20 years!!
Today, the twins and hubby went out for a bike ride with their cousins and uncle and I had a sleep while AJ and Grandma went to the library. Apparently, we have a book out called the 'Killer Gorilla'. Of Course, I have no recollection of it at all!!!
This evening, hubby and I have been the Easter Bunny and hiding all the eggs around the house. AJ was convinced he could see the Easter Bunny in the sky in his carrotmobile just before he went to bed - what a great imagination!!!!
I forgot to say why I used the word 'poodilicious'. Well, at long last, I got my christmas present from my eldest niece this week and it was a pink poodle photo holder. Somehow when we were MSNing each other today and we were discussing what photo I should put in, she suggested I use the most 'poodilicious' one so I think that is such a fab name for my hair when it has not been artificially straigthened that I will use it from now on!! It's a lot better/kinder than my hubby telling me I looked as if I had a tumbleweed on my head in a photo!!!
Off to bed and multiple tablet time again - think it must be doing something as my chest is not gurgling so much now - rather off putting having what sounds like a death rattle when you feel reasonably well!!
By the way - why did no-one text me to go for my blood test on the 27th March - am I the only 1 reading this blog????!!!
Labels: easter hols/poodilicious
At 7:07 AM ,
Anonymous said...
No Kate we are all reading it - you just made the mistake of thnking we're more organised than you - sorry to shatter your illusions! W
At 8:11 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I forgot :( I'm a bad person and I will sort out some appropriate punishment for myself.
Your bit about good old Howletts and Port Lympne has reminded me - was talking to my mum the other night and apparantly they are going to do another series of Roar :)That'll keep me amused for a while but will drive poor Matt mad!
love Ange x
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