fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Sunday, May 06, 2007

since I last posted i've been travelling around a bit. I went to High Wycombe for a meeting about living with secondary breast cancer and stayed in a very lovely hotel courtesy of the Breastcancercare charity. It was good to meet other women in the same boat and listen to their experiences and of course, I always enjoy an uninterupted morning on my own and they even arranged for me to have breakfast in bed. I even got a train seat which surprised me at 5pm. I had got very annoyed with Virgin the night before as they would not let me book a seat and I knew I could not stand for that long. Still mean to write to them as I'm going back again soon for the second part.
Saturday night, hubby and I went to his sister's 40th birthday. It was unbelievably warm and we managed to sit outside till 11pm and it was only the 28th April - amazing and frightening at the same time.
Monday - we went to have our photos done at Venture. It was mainly good fun until Woody accidently elbowed AJ and we had floods of tears and temper tantrums. It was difficult to get him back into the swing of things. We had bought various things with us like my knitting, lego, x-box contoller, Saints shirt, teddies etc and of course 5 of my penguins. WE sat lined up with the penguins but AJ was deterined his orang-u-tang was going to be in the picture. It took a lot of cajoling to allow a photo to be taken without the orang -u-tang and then 1. That will be interesting - a line up of penguins and then an orang-u-tang!!
Tuesday, I set off to Gloucestershire to see my poorly friend in hospital. Luckily, another friend came with me so we could support each other. We also tracked down one of her work colleagues who is a good friend so she could fill us in. It was very upsetting to see our friend in such a poorly state and she obviously hadn't realised how poorly she had become so quickly. Her family were coming over from Australia and it's been touch and go whether they would get there in time. All day I've been waiting for that phonecall to say this horrific disease has claimed another young life.
It is a very odd feeling as the 2 people who I kept in contact with after they contacted me in Sept 05 after receiving my disastrous results post surgery have both had liver secondaries and not lived long. I now feel I am living on borrowed time as I am fast running out of chemo options. This week has not been good on that front - 2 other people from the forums that post a lot have now got secondaries. This is very scary and makes me wonder about the stats they quote about survival with breat cancer. It has made me feel I need to get on with planning things and organising what I want for my crematorium and getting on with memory boxes and photo albums. I would hate to leave a mess behind and for people not to know what I wanted. I have a very beautiful book with pretty flowers on which has become my 'death book' so will contain all the things that other people will need to know at that time.
This journey to Glos took a toll on my feet. All day I kept feeling I had a piece of paper between my toes and my foot but couldn'tsee anything until the train home when i discovered a massive blister going underneath 3-4 of my toes. I did pop itbutit filled up again so spent the next few days hobbling plus the hot feeling I had before with the chemo. I finished this course on thursday so akm now feeling better but my finger nails are cracking and so is my skin on my hands and feet. I'm going through hand cream like water.
Saturday -after going to the CO-Op and into town I just became overcome with tiredness. Unfortunately, hubby was working and after trying to pour milk into the frying pan I gave up and phoned a friend to help. She took them off to the BBQ and hubby wnet after he came back from work and I just slept.
Today, I feel more human and my feet are definately better. My sister and family came down. Woody, his cousin and uncle went to the Saints v Southend match which they did enjoy and the rest of us went to the Sealife Centre.
That is that apart from I've still got some beetroot in my fridge in a bowl and I need someone to empty it out and clean the pot. I'm so phobic about beetroot I cannot even bear to touch the bowl and there is no way I could wash it out so if you are passing this way and want to help - please can you dispose of the beetroot and wash the bowl cos I'm nearly having panic attacks each time I open the fridge!! I suppose that would be a novel way to lose weight!!



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