We went to a birthday picnic at Victoria Country Park. it was a lovly hot day and it was fun and relaxing and all the children played well together. The 3 yr old was very pleased with his Fireman Sam fire engine and figure so glad we got that right!!
Going backwards - Saturday was the day of the morris minor swap. Albert arrived on the back of a home made trailer which all the men were very impressed with and Joemog (well the skeleton) went off to a back garden to be further dismantled before being completely scrapped. albert is apparently a running car but since the steering wheel looks very old, the tyres balding and there is no drivers seat, this is hard to believe!! There is however, the passenger and back seats!! The rest of the car is in bits - another project in the land of Planet Pete then!!!
A man had arrived earlier in the day and had taken the seats away - it was a bit of a squeeze getting 2 front seats plus the back seats into a toyota but it fitted in the end!!
I had a bad time at John Lewis - we waited for 20 minutes and then a further 30 minutes before we were seen and then they had no shoes in Laura's size at all. However, once I burst into tears a pair of sandals that were her size magically appeared!!! I then booked to go to a photographers for us to have family pictures done and when asked why we wanted this done that made me burst into tears!! It was a very difficult situation.
The twins were tired and difficult to get up this week after all the late nights last week. On tuesday, I fell back to sleep after turning my alarm off and didn't wake up till 750am. Only AJ was awake and so it didn't occur to him to wake me and the twins up. Don't know how we got ready on time but we did!! I think the reason I slept so well was that a friend/neighbour did some massage/reiki on my painful shoulders and it did relax the spasm and it hasn't been so bad since. I don't understand how reiki works I just know I always benefit from it so that is all to the good as far as I'm concerned!!!
I had the CT scan on wednesday and met a friend for lunch and saw the hospice nurse so rather a busy day. I then fell asleep at 4pm and so Laura missed her recorder session - she hadn't wanted to go anyway!! I met 2 other women who are in the same position as me there and then I saw them again on thursday at the chemo clinic.
I got prelim results as it has not been reported on and basically it looks about the same as in September so not as good as January but at least it doesn't appear worse. I think that is as good as it is going to get. the onc I saw then thought I should not have stopped hercpetin so had to have a big loading dose. He reduced the xeloda to 1750 mg but as the tablets only come in 500mg and 150mg size, it means now taking 7 tablets twice a day!!!
I went out with Laura on thursay evening and again had a wait in John Lewis but we did get some school shoes for her and some of her birthday presents so that was good.
Today, I tried to get my hair straightened at 930am but there was no-one available until 1230 so went shopping and bought more pressies and more shoes. I took the high heeled green ones back toioday as I was too over optimistic that I could walk in them and I can't! So now I've bought some more green heeled (but not quite as high heeled) flip flops and some pink flat ones. However, I've ended up with blistered and sore feet from a combination of walking too far and the xeloda.
I met a friend and her mum for coffee and eventually got my hair straightened as tinight I'm going out for a friend's birthday at a fish restaurant.
To go back to the photos, they said to bring things that define us as a family - umm - that was hard -- arguing comes to mind but not much els!!!. Laura wants to take the guinea pig!! Pete and Woody - lego and morris minor models. AJ - spiderman or some other boy toy and me - well shoes and penguins I suppose.!!! How they will make a photo out of that selection I really don't know!!!
What do you associate us with ?? On second thoughts - perhaps, that is a question best left unanswered!!!
At 8:19 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I would say picnics and walking around, leaves, trees, being outside, bikes and anoraks!!!!! xxEmxxx
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