I did go to university and I am getting along okay I will post something better with more input another day. I wanted to put a post from my mum up, (Kate's sister) as she left it as a comment but I felt it would be read easier as a post.
Hi anyone who still looks at this. It is kates sister. Just wanted to say thank you to all who commented on emmas input. we all still miss Kate so much especially at this time of year.Not really sure what to write but just wanted to have contact with people who knew Kate and send love to you all .judy xx
At 6:55 PM ,
Clare said...
Hi Kates Sister (and Emma's Mum),
I miss Kate and only knew her through BCpals Forum....
I can only imagine how much you feel the loss of Kate..
I do hope all the family managed to have some fun during the festive period...although I can understand that Kate wouldn't be far from your thoughts for any length of time.
Stay strong...
Clare xx
At 7:29 PM ,
Unknown said...
Hi Judy this is Wendy one of Kate's Southampton friends (although now living elsewhere). It was really nice to hear from you as I had been thinking about you all especially at this time of year. Please thank your Mum for her xmas card. Just to say i think about Kate and the rest of you a lot
At 9:44 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Emma and Judy, yes I still peek in here, and wonder how everyone is doing. Still miss Kate's posts,it is so strange to think there will never be another one.
Big hugs to you all
At 5:03 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi to both of you.........am sure that you miss Kate dreadfully, and will do for a long, long time. Pleased to hear that you are doing well at Uni Emma. All that anyone can do is get up every day and do what needs to be done. Eventually you will wake up one day and feel happy, and think fondly of Kate without the grief. Please say hello to Kate's Mum from me. Hope that she is coping.I hear that Pete and the children are happy and moving on. I hope that Kate is looking down on all of us from 'up there'! Take care. With love and angel blessings, Debbie xxxxx
At 10:26 AM ,
Unknown said...
Thinking of Kate today on her birthday
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