Thanks to everyone who has contributed to my posts or written supportive posts about me and my current state of ill health.
I always thought I would know when the time was right for me to stop and give up treatment. In many ways that decision has been taken out of my hands now as I have been discharged from the oncology team to the palliative care team only. This happened when I was transferred to the Hospice on Tuesday 24th March.
The oncologist says that the only way I would get more chemo would be for me to be able to walk into the clinic and I'm far off that. I can manage a few steps on my own and that's it.
It was a horrible feeling leaving the hospital and knowing that I would never be 'well enough' to go in ever again as now that I’m at the Hospice, I’ve elected for ‘do not reuscitate’ so there is no reason unless I get quite an unrelated infection that I would ever need to go in either. Another, chapter of my life over.
Anyway, I have a lovely room with a view of a waterfall and bird boxes and just enough space for my clutter and things.
Psychologically, it's taking time to adjust to the new 'dying' me who is still aiming for home for a few hours on some days but has given up on thinking of being at home for a few days but you never know I might turn the corner and perk up for a while and get home!! It's very confusing all round.
I’m sort of balanced between wanting to get well enough to go home but to keep this bed mine while I’m at home. I don’t want to die at home but it would seem more appropriate there than at the hospital if I can’t get a bed here at the hospital.
I’m not sure what sort of death I would be facing and of course, still don’t. I don’t know if it will be quick or drawn out. I know at the moment I’m not ready to die and it’s hopefully, quite a few days/weeks off it anyway.
I seem to have done a brilliant job of tricking you into thinking I’m fantastically organised when in truth I’m not. Certain things are and others aren’t which is very frustrating and some things I can’t do until I get a few hours at home.
I took on too many projects and now with the kitchen redecoration going on at the same time it’s all happening at once!!!
It’s odd facing death as I’m so aware that often it is me that wants people to visit me, to keep me company, hold my hand, have a laugh with or look after me when I‘m feeling rough.
I enjoy having reiki and aromatherapy.
I want to personally say thank you to people who have spent so much of their time after nearly 4 years of ‘fighting the invader’ that not to say goodbye individually seems rude.
I know for many people it is hard emotionally to come to a hospice and see me going downhill but I’m the sort of person who needs some kind of closure so even if you can’t face coming in to see me then maybe could you send me an email or text as I would like to say a big thank you to you all individually. Emailing would be best as then I can make it clearer and more personal.
I really don’t want people to come and see me if they are going to be too upset and would prefer to remember me when we last did this or that together. That is fine. It has got to be what is best for you to do and not just because I asked.
It is now Saturday 28th March at 940am and have no visitors till later so want to make the most of this time catching up with my life story.
I will continue to update my blog/forums as much as I can or else my niece, Magnolia will, to you know what is happening. This maybe factual or it may be emotional posts - have to wait and see.
Thank you so much everyone for your help, friendship and support. I could never have achieved this much with out you.
Much Love Katex
Labels: Thoughts on dying
At 9:41 PM ,
Jane RC said...
I just wanted to send love - from somebody you have never met and never will meet.
Your posts on the BCC site have meant a lot to me.
Because of you I am trying to 'live in the moment'.
Jane RC
At 3:02 PM ,
Lyn B said...
Dearest Kate, you really know me that well, so I don't have your email address, but I have been reading your blog, and have been constantly amazed and moved to tears by your courage and determination. I am not in a position to visit you, as I live too far away, but I want you to know that you are in my thoughts every day, and you are such an inspiration to me. I pray to God that you are kept free from pain, and your remaining time is peaceful, surrounded by your loved ones.
At 3:53 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Dearest Kate
I'm not sure what to put but couldn't just pass by without leaving a comment. My father is, as we 'speak', in a hospice close to here [here being Milton Keynes] being nursed through the final stages of lung cancer so I understand a little of what you're living with.
I wish you peace at this time, peace and tranquility and lots of moments of quality time with those that you love. Sending you the strength you need to do the things you'd like to achieve in these days.
Finally I send you my love and admiration as one 46 year old woman to another united by gender, generation, motherhood and this amazing thing called the Internet.
Kate ~ you and yours will be in my prayers daily. It's been a priviledge to 'meet' you. xx
with much love
Sharon xx
At 7:38 PM ,
julie said...
Dear Kate,
You are an amazing lady I have read all your posts both on here and the breast cancer site and you have given me so much hope in my own battle with this dreadful disease. You are such a brave caring lady I pray that you are able to prove everyone wrong again and are able to receive more treatment to have more time to spend with your lovely family.
God Bless you Kate look forward to many more blogs!!
Love Julie xx
At 7:37 AM ,
Anonymous said...
One of the hardest things is letting go and I dearly hope you get the chance to clear up your 'loose ends' and have the time with those you care about to say your farewell's.
You have touched many people Kate -thank you for being so giving of your time and thoughts which have, and still are, helping others through such difficult times x
At 10:30 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I am not sure if you really realise just how much you have touched peoples lives Kate, and the comfort and advice that you have given to people, reading your blog and bcc posts have brought both tears and laughter to many as you are a very witty person and have kept your sense of humour through out.I never met you but you are constantly in my thoughts along with your family. I too pray that you are pain free and as comfortable as possible. god bless you and your family. Laura x
At 7:51 PM ,
Dawn (dm1968) said...
Hi Kate
Just wanted to say sorry that we didnt get to meet the last time you were visiting your sister.
I dont really know wot to say, except that you are truly amazing and have helped so many people over the years and given sound advice and comments.
I always look on BCPals and BCC for your posts to see how you are, and know that we are missing you so much.
Your sincerity, truthfulness and sometimes bluntness have moved me to tears, and also shown me wot strenght and courage you have. I hope that one day if/when I need to, I can be as strong as you for my family.
Kate, I also hope that you are pain free and comfortable, and that you get to spend as much time with your family and friends as you can.
I am finding this really hard to write, as so much I would like to say, but cant find the words or explain wot I feel.
Sending you lots of love and hugs Kate, and wish that life was not so shit.
At 8:09 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kate
I have never met you but have been following your blogs for sometime now,and feel that I know you. You have really inspired me, and I am amazed how you have coped through all the treatments. I was diagnosed with breast cancer shortly after you, we are about the same age and I also have 3 children. I hope that you are not in too much pain and my thoughts are with you and your family. I hope to follow your blog for alot longer thinking of you and your family. Chris
At 8:28 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Just know that loads of people you don't even know are thinking of you all the time and admire your tenacity. Thank you Kate for all you've shared with us, we all send you our love and best wishes. You have become the face of BC for years to come by those that are going through this, you will always be remembered. May your passing be painfree and smooth and then you will see just how many lives you have touched, just how many people admire and love you. We love you Kate. xxxxx
At 2:11 PM ,
caron said...
Hi Kate,
wishing you all peace and tranquility for you and your family & friends, you seem to have quite a following going on here now!!
I have been following your progress since I was diagnosed November 08, you are truely a gracious lady sharing all this thoughout you long battle with BC.
Peace be with you and you family.
love Caron ( Grimsby )
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