I just wanted you to know how grateful myself and the rest of Kates family are for all your kind words and support at this time. Your comments, messages, charity run and tibutes are an amazing comfort to us and such a display of love for Kate.
Thank you to all who attended the funeral yesterday and all those who couldn't make it but thoughts were with us.
I am sorry if i did not personally greet you and we have spoken on here or facebook. I am sorry I do get shy around new people and I truly do appreciate you.
I was overcome with emotion on several occasions by your tributes and kinds words.
I am sorry that my own personal tribute to Kate was a little hard on hearing.
I was asked by many of you to post it on here so here you go...
This is the poem I wrote for Kate...
Little Feet and Big Woods
Little feet marching on the fallen leaves
Crunching branches as they carefully weave
“Why are all the trees so tall?” little feet cried
Big feet stopped smiled and sighed
“Because they all want to reach the sky”
“But why Big feet tell me why?”
Little feet jumping from rock to rock
Hiking along the unsteady blocks
“Why do the mountains stretch up so high?”
Big feet stopped smiled and sighed
“Because they want to reach the sky”
“But why Big feet tell me why?”
Little feet splashing in the puddles
Getting into a lot of muddles
“Why does the water shine so
Tell me big feet I want to know”
“Because it looks up to the sky”
“But why Big feet tell me why”
Little feet ran through the long grass
But stopped when they saw no path
“Big feet I cannot see the way”
Big feet took little feet’s hand and began to say
“A way can be found in the sky”
“But tell me Big feet tell me why”
Little feet stopped to see the view
Looked out in to the vast blue
“What is that shinning in the sky?”
Big feet held Little feet and sighed
“One day Little feet I will be gone
And all in life will feel so wrong
But Little feet do not despair
For in the sky I will be there
Like the shining lights around
My love for you can always be found
Do you see why the mountains reach so high?
And why the trees will always try?
The sun keeps the world alive
The flowers and the animals thrive
Just like the light you see in the sky
Love is light and this is why
We shall never be apart
For in every light from sun to stars
Light forever strong and true
Just like the love from me to you
For I will love you for eternity
And everyday in between
Now let us walk in the woods Little feet
And see all the beauty in the trees”
© Copywrite Emma Everingham
Thank you for reading it.
Thank you for everything.
Emma aka Mags
Labels: Funeral Thankyou
At 3:23 PM ,
LynB said...
That is a truly beautiful poem, Emma, and your love for your auntie shines through every word. Although I could not be there yesterday, I was there in spirit, and said a silent prayer that God will look after Kate. The world will be a poorer place for her passing.
At 5:14 PM ,
raerae said...
Well done Emma, I can imagine your poem being published as a children's book. You were all so brave yesterday; it was a privelige to be there and take time to listen to all the tributes, prayers and thanks. We continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.
At 6:47 PM ,
Clare said...
What a lovely poem
Clare xx
At 5:35 AM ,
mollyjoemax said...
That was oh so beautiful. Thank you for printing it. I also was there in spirit. Kate would have been so pleased that you published your poem on her blog.
At 11:54 AM ,
bionicwoman said...
What a beautiful poem Emma. Kate would have been so proud I'm sure.
Am sorry I couldn't make it to the funeral but was thinking of you all. A Few of us will be meeting next week in Bristol - Kate would have been there if she could as she was in Feb but we will raise a glass in her memory and she will be remembered.
Thinking of you and all her family and friends.
At 11:27 AM ,
Anonymous said...
does anyone else still pop in here and kind of wishful hope there will be a post from Kate...
still miss her, hope the family are coping and at least enjoying the sunshine...
Love Amanda
At 10:45 AM ,
Anonymous said...
I wish everyday there'd be a post...
The family are doing well, thinking about and missing her everyday. Pete is amazing and the kids are too... their strength is beyond anything I've ever known.. Just like Kates.
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