This is Emma again... I wanted to write down some things about Kate.
I miss her so much.. I'm finding things hard at the moment, I wake up and can;t get back to sleep. I think about her constantly. I keep getting angry at lots of people because they have no idea what thsi greif is like. What pain this really is... So many people have things worse I know but so many people have it better. I get so frustrated and upset and I just want her back. I keep finding feathers about... Kate told me she believed they were from angels.. She'd randomly find these white feathers. the day after Kate died I foudn a blue feather on my bed. I think that was a first sign, a distinction from her thats he was still about. I find feathers alot recently it is a small comfort. I keep belivign Kate is giving me messages through my I-pod. I know you think I;m crazy but out of abotu 2000 song I put it on shuffle and asked Kate to send me a message in teh next song and the song was Bon Jovi-Thank you for loving me.
I got into University I start in october but sometimes I really feel like whats the point?
The last yr Kate was ill I did an Access course and it was solely to get into university. I didn;t do any work for most of teh year and kate told me she wanted me to just before she died. i;d sort of given up. But because she basically made me promise I did it, 18 essays in like a month and a half all A-level standard. Well I did it and I'm gonna start University in october.
I want to post some lyrics but I don't know if people will like them or find them insanely depessing.
The song is called Machines and it is by Biffy Clyro
I would dig a thousand holes to lay next to you
I would dig a thousand more if I needed to
I look around the grave for an escape route of old routines
There doesn’t seem to be any other way
Cause I’ve started falling apart I’m not savouring life
I’ve forgotten how good it could be to feel alive
Crazy as it sounds you wont feel as low as you feel right now
At least that’s what I've been told by everyone
I whisper empty sounds in your ear and hope that you won’t let go
Take the pieces and build them skywards
Cause I've started falling apart I’m not savouring life
I've forgotten how good it could be to feel alive
I've started falling apart I'm not savouring life
Take the pieces and build them skywards
I've forgotten how good it could be to feel alive
Take the pieces and build them skywards
I've started falling apart I'm not savouring life
Take the pieces and build them skywards
I've forgotten how good it could be to feel alive
Take the pieces and build them skywards
I've started falling apart I'm not savouring life
Take the pieces and build them skywards
I've forgotten how good it could be to feel alive
Take the pieces and build them skywards
Take the pieces and build them skywards
Take the pieces and build them skywards
Take the pieces and build them up to the sky.
Labels: A post from Emma
At 5:49 PM ,
Clare said...
Of course you're going to feel grief you've never felt love Kate and she loves you.
I have a friend who believes feathers are a 'sign' and she found a white feather on the seat of her car as she left the crem after her Dad died.
Strange things happen...
You go off to Uni and try and enjoy the experience, it will be hard as you have gone through so much. Kate will be proud of you for doing it.
Keep writing in the blog if it helps there will always be someone who will read it and reply to you
Take Care
Clare xx
At 8:48 AM ,
raerae said...
Emma, popped in by 'chance' as I've had you all on my mind - Clare's right - you've achieved so much and going to Uni is the right thing. You've experienced something most people your age will not for many years - and though you feel the pain of it now you have amazing memory of Kate to spur you on throughout your life.
Our lives are never the same once we've lost someone we love so so much, but we are still here to live and love and most importantly, remember.
You're in my thoughts and prayers,
Sarah xx
At 9:45 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I didnt really know kate but I read her posts and she filled me with inspiration I am glad you posted because I have often wondered how her family are coping without her she touched peoples lives in a very special way I believe she is still with you and the feathers are her way of letting you know she is still there its time nothing else but time that will ease your pain you will never forget her never stop loving her and she will be with you forever just know you are not alone
At 9:39 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Big Hugs Emma
Hang in there, it will get easier with time. Go to college and do it for you and for Kate. Do it for us too, post in here and let us know how it's going. We will be here for you, get busy, work hard and soar girl.
Uni will have a centre full of wonderful caring counselors, if it all gets a bit much please go talk to them, they will be able to help.
There are going to be lots of new friends, new experiences and lots of work to occupy your mind. It might be a relief when you get there, less time to think about stuff that is making you maudlin.
Kate got you to make a promise, I think that promise extends to getting through Uni with a good degree, you know Kate wouldn't want you to use her as an excuse, but an inspiration...
Enormous hugs, it's tough going off to Uni for anyone, you just have a bit more on your plate. I have faith in you.
At 9:36 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Kate made such an amazing impression on those of us who only knew her in cyber space, I cannot beging to imagine how hard it must be for those who were lucky enough to be in her life day to day. It's going to hurt Emma, nothing will change that except time. She was lucky to have people like you in her life, and lucky to have them after she has gone, to keep her memory alive.
I wish you so much luck at Uni, go do it and make Kate even prouder than she so clearly was, but do it for you too, make yourself as proud too ok.
At 10:01 PM ,
Unknown said...
I know it is a long time since you posted your last comment but I was thinking about Kate and just logged on by chance. I hope that things are going well at uni - (have you left home to go?) and that maybe things are feeling a little better. Its hard to believe its been over 6 months but many of us, like you, still think of Kate and of you and the rest of the family who we no longer have contact with. Love to you all
At 4:35 PM ,
eros said...
say hello..
At 6:04 AM ,
ivystoikk said...
Emma, I know I don't know you, but I do know exactly what it feels like to go through this, and exactly what it feels like to loose someone you are about so much. I'm sure you know this but...your not alone. My family recently lost a friend that we loved very much to breast cancer. It was also an aggressive type and it was also a long battle. It's funny how I stumbled upon this...I wonder why things work out like this.
The hospice nurse that took care of our friend, beck was our friends name, said that every day she saw angels in beck's room. On the day that beck passed the nurse said that there were so many angels in the room she was overwhelmed. It's so comforting to know that they are being watched, and that they are watching us too. Why else would you receive the feathers too. I think it means that they are here for us as well.
I really hope that you find peace. Whether it means going to Uni, or doing other things, I truly hope that you find happiness and understanding. I'm sure kate would want that for you as Beck would want that for me. Best wishes. :) I promised myself I wouldn't cry when I wrote this, but well...i think i broke my promise
At 8:24 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi anyone who still looks at this. It is kates sister. Just wanted to say thank you to all who commented on emmas input. we all still miss Kate so much especially at this time of year.Not really sure what to write but just wanted to have contact with people who knew Kate and send love to you all .
judy xx
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