This was a strange day. I saw the consultant and we sorted out my medication since I refused to have any more of those patch behind the ear things that had made me so vague and confused. I know it helped with the cramping pains but it gave me too many side effects to continue.
I spent the morning doing some scrapbooking and writing in Pete's photo albums so I enjoyed that.
My sister came over to see me with her 2 youngest and with my mum having our 3, they all booked into the travelodge across the road from here. I know it sounds very strange to 'waste' money on this but originally, they were all going down to Folkestone at tuesday lunchtime and come back on thursday. Talking it over with mum and sis, the solution seemed to be having a holiday at home - very fashionable this year so the news keeps telling me!!! It seemed too much driving around for the adults plus petrol costs and the potential for arguing children to have in the car with Grandma seemed a bit much. This way, it seemed like they were having a 'holiday' and I could see them everyday!!
My sister, Grandma and 5 children went to Lee-On-The-Solent for ice creams and the children ran around on the beach for the afternoon and the 2 adults sat and chatted.
Pete and I sorted a few bits out in my room and then he took me out in the wheelchair around the garden. The volunteers had planted out loads more pansies, primulas and even some petunia. I do love the garden - some of it reminds me of my home now and other plants remind me of either when I was growing up in London or my Nan's London house. There are tulips, daffodils, ribes, kerria, primula, pansies, forget-me-not, camellia, pirus, and rosemary.
When we came back from our excusion outside, I was in quite a bit of pain on my right side so had some pain relief medicine. This time, it didn't work and my pain got worse. Then my breathing got worse and I felt horribly sick. This was happening about 5pm. They gave me an injection of an anti-sickness drug but with little effect. I then became very cold, clammy and at the same time was hot and sweaty. My stomach became very bloated and I could feel it swelling. They tried with every drug they could - which is becoming shorter as I seem to be more sensitive to the side effects of everything!!! I looked down at my leg and was amazed to see what looked like an aftermath of a burn. The top layer of skin appeared to be missing and leaving behind a grey area. Everybody came to have a look. The doctor had to come down about 12 miles to see me and my leg, pain, swollen tummy etc.
It was really scary as I felt my heart was going to stop or I would stop breathing and the pain was so bad and they just couldn't get on top of the situation at all.
In the end, with more changes and Pete staying the night with me I calmed down enough to get some sleep.
When I woke up this morning, I felt better but was scared to move in case I set off any of the pain etc from last night. Well, I'm pleased to report that I didn't but it was so hard not to immediately panic. I've been out in the chair but haven't really pushed myself to do anything more than that.
My school friends from Kent came very briefly to see me, bringing me flowers and chocolates so they are welcome to come again!!! The French Trawlermen have yet again gone out on strike making it so difficult for us UK residents to use our own roads and have access to our own houses in Kent.
The rest of the day, I've spent mainly asleep which is frustrating as now it's midnight and I am getting tired and will have to get hubby to help me settle in bed as we have taken over the room with my clutter!!!
Do hope to see some of you next week /weekend as do get lonely but just need to organise myself and combine diaries etc first so I get a balance between rest, write and chat.
Thank you to everyone for all your messages.
I know most of you are more of a technophile than I am. Still trying to put link up for sponsorship of Alan who is doing the London Marathon in fancy dress for my hospice here even though he lives 200 miles away so support would be appreciated. Hoping the keywords to get you there are from a collection of the following : Alan Middlebrook - just for giving- facebook- kate trun - london marathon -2009
Hope you can find link page as 1 of my friends did set up a page from my facebook to link to justforgiving for this cause.
Too late now. Night night all
Labels: funny easter, london marathon, not well
At 7:35 PM ,
Anonymous said...
That's the link you're looking for...
Stable sounds good right now, glad the kids had an at home holiday. I think staying in a hotel room is the most exciting part of some holidays. Bet they loved it.
Amanda Noon
At 2:42 PM ,
Angela said...
Hi hun, am so sorry have not been able to come and see you but still have not had my headpains sorted and the GPs are all disagreeing about what it could be, so am baffling them. Have to ring up Mon to book my neurology appt so hope they can work it out! Once I get my drug level sorted hope to be able to come over and see you. Big hugs and lots of love
At 7:00 AM ,
Zena said...
Hello DippyKate,
I am a total stranger to you but I have been reading your posts on breastcancercare since the 2nd half of 2007. I just want to say, I love you & the way you write.
I never forget the first time I came across one of your posts - your funny name stood out like a beacon.
Well it is great to put a face to the name.
Thank you for all your virtual support.
Keep fighting xxxZ
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