I've had several people say or email me that they have tried to post a comment but not been able to. For those of you that have posted a comment is there an easy way to get into the comments page that you could share with others and post instructions at the end of this post?
I do appreciate it when people post a comment or when you contact me in some form or other to say something about a post but it is frustrating all round when someone wants to post a comment but the system seems to be difficult to follow.
I can always make comments anonymous and you can post anonymously so that I don't know who it is from or you could give yourself some new name.
Thank you
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At 7:34 PM ,
ali &steph said...
kate, we often think of you lots and i so wanted to keep in contact when we shared a few e mails but lost your address.
ali and steph
we read your blog on every addition from you
At 9:37 PM ,
Anonymous said...
For Ali and Steph - I moderate all messages and so then can publish them or delete/reject them. If you post another comment with your email address, then I can email you back and delete your comment so as not to give your email address to the www. I'm happy emailing people - often find iot easier than talking on the phone if having a bad day. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and post a comment
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