There's no point beating about the bush, pussy footing around, I've got an infection 'down below' as my Nan used to say.
Last time, when I had this bacterial form of thrush, I found out instead of needing a 5 day course of a particular antibiotic that makes me feel sick and ill and it clashes with alcohol, there was an internal cream you could use and it worked really well. I had got it then by phoning the out of hours doctors as it was a saturday, they faxed a precription to the local chemist and I just collected it, used it and problem solved.
This time, I went to see my male doctor who didn't want to examine me but believed what I said and was going to prescribe the antibiotic tablets so I told him about this cream and he looked through his computerised list and prescribed a cream. The chemist didn't stock it so had to wait till yesterday to pick it up. Last night, I got it out of the bag with other things in and thought - hmm, this doesn't look right. Read the label and leaflet and found it said 'external use only' and 'for use in acne'. Yeeooooooow - can you imagine if I'd tried to use it without reading it first. My mind boggles. so it's back to the GP now to get the right stuff.
Since coming back from our holiday last week, I've been into the GP and chemist everyday as they keep getting it wrong!!! Oh well, hopefully this time, thet'll get it right and I won't feel as if my undercarriage is on fire!!!!!
Labels: yeeeooooow - wrong prescription
At 2:06 PM ,
scaredycat said...
hello Kate.
I have been following your blog and must say that I admire you and your fighting spirit and your wish to help others fight on.
Your posts have made me both weep and laugh .You are an inspiration to all on this cruel and unfair journey. Regards to you and your family and I pray you get all you ask for.
At 6:26 PM ,
Anonymous said...
'There are tears of laughter in my eyes at the thought of you being prescribed achne cream for an 'infection down below' and tears of despair on reading your previous blog. You are so amazing when we spend time together - such good company and so resolute in the face of such adversity. You talk of being low - which I can well understand , but until you'd written it down it was hard to really be 'where you are'. I think you have got it alright Kate - your approach is fantastically positive and up beat - in spite of the dark and difficult times. I know that if I ever have to face such adversity in my life, that I will draw you towards me, hold you close by my side as a fine fine example of how to deal with everything. Your life and friendship has given me so much and will continue to be part of my life after you've gone. Not sure how to end this one, except to say a big hug and love
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