fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Thursday, February 07, 2008

monday - Hubby had the day off as he is working Saturday. I slept in a little bit and then we or rather hubby stripped the bed and he put all the washing in the machine and switched it on. He has now learnt how to operate the washing machine but what is tumbledriable is still beyond him!!!
One of my monday helper friends came and did some housework and we all could hear this 'clunk' in the washing machine.Eventually, hubby went to look and there spinning around was the remote tv controller for the upstairs tv. By this point, it seemed pointless rushing the machine along its cycles quicker as it had already been in there for 30 minutes. As you can guess - the controller had died!!! So now I will have to get out of bed to change channels and i can't use teletext!!!
My other friend came to do the ironing and I went to sleep.
Actually got AJ to Beavers tonight. It was a walk from victoria ciuntry park to hamble junior school. I persuaded hubby to go with him and Woody so off they went with 2 torches between them. Yes - the torches obviously have legs and go walking on this house!! I could not find this school despite looking it up on streetmap. I stopped to ask and swutched my lights off as all these cars were coming towards me and then set off without putting them on!!! It was onlt hubby knocking on the window and shouting at me that I realised I'd been driving for about 5 mins without them on!! Wondering if i#m safe driving now!!
I felt so tired all day that I'd sent hubby out to make an appointment at the GPs for a blood test which he did and got an 8am appointment for the next day.
Tuesday - struggled to get to the doctors and saw the venesector who said she had taken blood out of a line before. She could take it but had no idea that you needed to wash it through with saline and then heparinised saline afterwards. This needs to be done so that the line doesn't clot up. She hunted around but we were both so unsure about the strengths of the solutions, I decided to go home and do it myself. Actually, i find it almost impossible to do it all myself as I couldn't break open the heparin vial and couldn't take the syringe out at the same time as clamping the line so hubby and Woody assisted and they were all amazed by this blood in the syringe and me injecting myself!! Wonder if AJ will tell anyone what he saw and what they would understand by it!!! I even got the red coloured one to work which it hasn't done for 2 weeks. There are 2 lines in one - red and white.
I did manage a quick trip to the co-op but that exhausted me so back to bed again and really stayed there all day until I had to go to parent's evening. I got disturbed at one point by the phone by the deputy head phoning to ask me if he could take Woody out to buy some tokens for a teacher who is leaving. For the last 2 weeks, woody and his friend have been on a 'secret mission' to get money out of the teachers. Apparently, they managed to collect the most money for a long time. I can imagine that scene - they probably know how determined woody is and thought they had better contribute or he would only hassle them later on. Still think working for MI5 or 6 or being an interrogater is going to be Woody's career path. Any criminal being questioned by him would have to speak up or else he would never let it go and as he looks so quiet and innocent, nobody would think he would be capable of double crossing and he can multi-task - using the computer, listening to the telly and our conversation at the same time!!!
Anyway, back to the parents evening. I was looking at Woody when we were talking to his teacher and I thought Woody's glasses looked wonky again. Thought I would mention it later but as we got up to go, his lens fell out!!! So there was Laura, Woody, AJ, hubby and the teacher on their hands and knees looking for a tiny screw. it looked quite surreal!!! Woody actually found it and as we were on the way to AJ's teacher, we spotted the caretaker who said he did have a small enough screwdriver to fix it so i tootled off on my own to AJ's teacher. She asked me if I wanted to go in and I explained the glasses situation - besides the deputy head was not there!!! After a few minutes, everyone appeared. In the end it was me talking to the teacher and hubby and AJ talking to the deputy head. The poor boy looked terrified of this rather corpulent chap!! The deputy was brilliant with AJ and kept giving him lots of praise and how his writing has improved so that was lovely to hear.
We then came came back - double bass and all and with AJ's and Laura's help, made pancakes. Even sitting down it seemed hard work so early to bed. So really, i did do quite a bit this day - doctors, co-op, parents evening and pancake making so perhaps i am living after all!!
Wednesday - woke up at 930 to find AJ had not taken his recorder in as reminded the last night by me to him and hubby so had to do that.
Apart from that, I put the washing out which was hard work as at one end the pulley is on back to front so pulling the line up is doubly difficult!!! Again, another job not attempted by other half despite weeks of asking!!
Spent time writing in photo albums and just watching telly and hey presto!!! The controller now works - obviously made of stern stuff then!!
Tonight, I watched the England match with Woody and then Laura came in at the end and we had a really good laugh about what strange or embarrassing things had happened to me. It was so enjoyable I felt I was living rather than surviving.
Still don't know how i will feel in the morning now i''ve been up a couuple of hours.


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