fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Well as I said last time I was horrendously constipated and ended up going into hospital 8pm on saturday 29th December courtesy of my in-laws kindly providing me with a lift and generally helping to get me there. I ended up on the leukaemia ward where the other women had been there for an astounding 5 weeks and were going to be there for another 6 weeks. What an awful thing for them to go through. The downside of this was that I was the odd one out with treatments and side effects and they had their own routine etc and I felt I was upsetting thier routine.
The other downside was that I was not on a ward that my doctors visit so there were plenty of delays. Infact, I didn't see a doctor until 2am on the night I was admirred . As you can imagine I was not very popular as he just came in and turned on all the ward lights and woke everyone else up!!!! He asked me if I wanted an xray now or in the morning. As I had taken my sleeping tablets, I couldn't bear the thought of trying to struggle down to xray so opted for the morning.
Morning came - eventually breakfast came - had even more sennacot and magnesia hydroxide and still no xray. Eventually was seen by a different doctor at 130pm and had an xray about 2pm. I was not seen again until about 7pm when they had looked at the xray and decided that I was indeed constipated and didn't have any other kind of blockage. Eventually at 8pm, 24 hours after I was admitted, I had an enema and eventually went. Hurray!!! Had a bath - hurray again and hoped I could get home.
The good news was that my oxygen saturations in my blood were now within normal limits at 96% and my breathing rates were normal too so this chemo is working!!
The next morning arrived and again, no doctors saw me until 3pm when she asked why I was still in!!! So I told her it was because I could not go until she discharged me. I didn't wait for hospital pharmacy as I knew that would be even longer so hubby picked me up at 4pm and we went to the GP who prescribed the medicine immediately and I went to bed for a sleep before heading out to a New Year's Eve party.
The children were at our friends house so when we arrived later, our host was busy cooking a roast dinner for 18 people. What an undertaking!! The children ate first whilst the men played with the wii and then we ate. I had some of the mousaka left from our last time there - it had been frozen and defrosted and heated up again so it was safe to eat!! Everyone else had roast beef.
We left the twins there to stay the night and AJ came home with us. We did stay up just till midnight and then fell asleep. The fireworks were fantastic on telly in London and just noisily annoying here!!!
Happy New Year - rather belated I know.



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