We threw out what I suppose is a lot to do with my past and a lot of it needed to be shredded - School Governor papers mainly and other minutes that I've had from various committees I've sat on and also all my literature research for my degree that I will never complete. I've kept my written essays - I felt I had to leave something behind. At least it has given us some room for hubby's books.
What am I supposed to do with all my paperwork from the Tax Credits people - how long do I need to keep that for? I've got piles of it - one famous day we had 11 envelopes from them all awarding us different amounts!!! We seem to get so many papers from them - usually no less than 4 at a time - what do they do?
It seemed sad saying goodbye to my old life as I've always been involved in things like Brownies, Guides, Sunday School, various committees like the NCT and After School Club and then I was a School Governor. Now all I do is attend the hospital or hospice but I suppose I am trying to go in on a tuesday to listen to Yr 3 reading but don't sem to be very reliable as appointmnets get in the way!!
Spent the other evening putting all our wedding renewal cards in an album and am now starting on writing things for the memory boxes and write things about my life as I met at the age of 31 so I have a past that he wouldn't necessarily know about - think it will look like a CV as I want to put down where I worked etc and holidays and all the incidents that I was involved in!!!
Just had a letter from the MRI dept - got that 20th Nov so not that far away. I then relooked at it and found it said MRI head - didn't think my shoulder and armpit were part of my head so have just phoned and someone had pushed the wrong button when booking!!!!
Yesterday - was another 'goodbye' day. I went to the 'Farewell to a health clinic party'. The things the NHS put money into never ceases to amaze me. Anyway, after leistening to many speeches, we had the food. Vol-au-Vents -ddon't know why I like them so much but I do!! Sandwiches, sausage rolls, fruit and quiche. Mine was really watery but apparently some people found that the quiche had not been defrosted properly - feel OK - but otherwise would have reported it!! For decoration, there were about 6 clumps of helium balloons tied to weights. I asked if I could 2 clumps home - most people there were elderly apart from a few managers so couldn't see it as a problem. well, they were happy for me to take the balloons as long as I left the weights behind as they had paid 'good money' for them and wanted them back. After my workmate and I promised we would return the weights, we took them into the car and then noticed that each weight cost £1.50 - I would have happily given her £3 for all that hassle. They didn't seem concerned about the frozen quiche or how much food was wasted but were bothered about 2 £1.50 weights!!!
Just waiting for district nurse to look at my very manky toe and have been told that it shouldn't be long before I see the proper School of Chiropody for an op on my toe. It is so painful now again.
I went back to see the onc yesterday to read the ct result - wish I hadn't now as showed new spread around my aorta which I find scary but apparently cancer doesn't usually invade the aorta!! Also, lot of spread of the general lymphangitis across all my chest but especially my right side but tumours bigger around main bronchus and right branch of bronchus. But - always trying to cling onto something positive - liver one unchanged and one under right armpit has only grown from1 to 2cm. Also, apparently, when reach end of chemo or chemo not working on bronchus I can have some radiotherapy to help my breathing which is I suppose something to cling onto.
BUT - the onc hasn't referred me to the marsden yet and I thought he was fdoing that last week so not happy so will have to chase that.
Labels: declutter and ct news
At 5:58 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Dippykate.
I have been following your posting on the BCC website since March last year. I know that so many people tell you just how remarkable you are when faced with such adversity but I just had to say that I think you are a truly amazing person!!! You always keep us updated on your current treatment and are always so honest and open about how you are feeling. I pray that your fight continues with your courage, strength and sheer determination to be there for your wonderful family! Good luck Nxxxxxx
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