fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Sunday, October 07, 2007

I managed to chat to the ELSA about AJ and how upset he gets when Grandma comes down and she sid that he is settling better in school now and not so chatty. His work is definately improving especially his written work so that's good. Have parents evening week after next so see what they say then. I also managed to talk to the acting head teacher who although sympathetic to our needs is not legally allowed to recommend a school but she will write a letter in support of ensuring that the twins get their emotional needs met and will speak to the admissions office. Now all I need to do is get the forms done and cos of the porstal strike I will have to do it online - hope it works!!
Went to see the third secondary school on monday. This time it was after school and I went on my own. There were after school clubs going on so at least you could see some children. There were so many computer suites - more so than other schools so was very impressed. This schoool does not have a good GCSE achievement rate but then it has traditionally taken children from a very deprived background who recieve little support from parents in their education. As the school system was so muddled last year, there are now children there from what would have been our local school if it wasn't being closed so I think over the years to come it will improve and many children take some of their GCSEs early which seems increasingly more common. There seems to be adequate emotional support and the school nurse is there 3 days a week.
Tuesday - I saw the hospice nurse. She showed me the letter that herself and the social worker had written. It was supportive and stated that the children needed support and stability. This gave me the courage to read the letter from my GP as I couldn't face reading it on my own. This started off by saying that I had been fighting breast cancer with stubborness!!! Me - stubborn - surely not!!!! Hmm - he obviously knows me better than I thought then!!! aagin, it was supportive but whether the admissions offciers will consider that they meet the criteria under 'medical 'needs I don't know as apparently they consider the child's health and not the parent's health. To me though, your emotional health is just as important as your physical one especially in the education context.
I then made a mad dash into town and broke the speed record for using the mobility scooter. got a bot stuck in some shops where they put the rails so close to the lift. This especially applied to shops with children's clothes and shops which are reknowned for their cheapness. The staff were lovely though - all I wanted was a cheap bolero top for Laura to wear over her bridesmaid dress incase it gets cold on 13th.
I then went to the primary school to help with the reading with Yr 3 children. I seemed to have a group who are quite good readers and were reading with expression and fluency. I will get AJ in my group next week so that will be interesting to see if he reads at school to me as well as he does at home.
Wednesday - I went back to work which was nice to have that normality and I think I've now completed the audit I started in March. Good job the audit department understand my situation. I then went out for lunch and then to Boots to get photos printed off for the wedding renewal celebrations so if you are coming, please make sure you have a look and probably a laugh at the photos.
It was very hectic in the evening as I'd fallen asleep so was late picking up the children, and had to get Woody off to cubs for 6pm to receive his Chief Scout's Silver Award and then see the vicar at 630pm and then back to the cub hut for 715pm to see Woody get his award. Then I was off to a chocolate party - even got lots of lovely samples so was pleased and it was actaully reasonably priced as well and not those silly prices you often come across.
Thursday - back to my other job and my manager was really shocked that I was back!! I spent most of the morning proof reading someone elses' procedure and making lots of corrections around spelling, grammar and odd sentences that made no sense. Makes a change from people correcting mine but felt mean doing it though.
Then met another breast cancer friend for lunch which was great as I hadn't seen her for a while due to school holidays and other commitments. She is off on holiday again so very jealous.
Friday - Poor AJ had had a bad cold all week and he said he was told off continually for coughing in school so let him stay at home. I still had a bit of shoppping to do so took him with me. All the children love the cafe at John Lewis so always seem to end up there but they let me down - they had no caramel shortbread which is my favourite!!!
Saturday - Took Laura to the hairdresser to get her hair sorted for next weekend. It looked good but think they will need to use hairspray next week to make it stay. It was lovely to see her without her hair being completely scraped back all the time.
My arm is beginning too really worry me. In some ways, it seems better but I think itis just because I've learnt different techniques to overcome it. I have asked to see the occupational therapist to see if there are different tools or things I could use especially when cooking. I can't make my mind up if I have a new lump under my left armpit but keep hoping against hope that it is just a trapped nerve but really deep dopwn I think the cancer is on the move again as i'm getting more tired, more pain in my right armpit and my breathing isn't as good. Also, my blood protein levels have dropped which when I asked the consultant last time, he just said it was cos I was ill!!! Tried to get through to the neuro team but found out that the consultant hasn't even looked at my referral to decide how urgent my MRI is. Thinkiong what they said last week, I wonder if they will see it as urgent or just as a spread of terminal cancer. Think I will also ask about another bone scan as seem to be getting pain in right hip now and lower back and maybe ask about a general Ct scan to see if my suspicions are correct and that the cancer is regrowing. Then I will have to make a decision whether to try to push for a referral back to the marsden to ask again about tykerb or whether to go onto a tougher chemo which often makes people anaemic and tired and who always seem to need blood and platelet transfusions - I really want tgo delay that as it is also about a 4 hour treatment time and I don't know if I will be well enough to drive back as they have to give you lots of steroids and piriton.
Keep you informed.


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