fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Tired out - Not surprisingly, I was shattered on monday and spent most of the day in bed. By this stage my arm was so painful, I couldn't put it down by my side or cut up food or use it functionally at all. The hospital were very unsympathetic but at least my cyber network offered sympathy. Overall, I'm less breathless and I can't believe the reduction in my bone pain. I've managed to walk to school this week. I've even managed to get in and out the bath and have reduced the amount of painkillers I've been taking. If it wasn't for my arm I'd have been really happy.
I spent 3 hours in Marks and Spencer on tuesday trying on various trousers. Why do they not do the cheaper trousers in long length in my size? I even managed to walk to the chinese take away that evening. I had a friend who I did my nurse training with staying with me on tuesday so that was good. We've known each other 25 years now - that is scary how fast that time has gone. The next day, i managed a trip round the local shops and thursday I popped into work for a few hours. Then I had a phonecall from the school and so had to pick Woody up who had developed a high temperature.
Thursday night, my neighbour and friend came over to give me some reiki. I felt so much more relaxed and better after that.
By friday, Laura was also poorly so AJ was not impressed at having to go to school by himself.
This caused complications as I had to farm the children out friday morning as I had the MacMillan nurse coming to see me. That went well but really was more of a getting to know me session.
Today, has been sad for me as I found out that one of my cyber friends died yesterday. She found out she had secondaries in her liver at the beginning of September and they seemed unable to stabilise her to give her chemo. She had been so well up to that point, it seems unbelievable that it happened so quick. Her children are of similar age and we were the same age and she was diagnosed only a few months before me. I'm so desparately sad for her family and friends.
I know I must really sort my affairs out now and quickly so that when that is done I can get on with my life and not have that pressure and worry. It's odd things that bother me - like my clothes and odd bits and pieces. I'm determined to get a funeral service sorted with appropriate readings and music. My favourite music does not seem that appropraite for a funeral so am working on that.
On to more positive things - have booked going toLondon with the children and husband and am off to a forum to met my cyber friends.


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