fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Monday, September 18, 2006

Even worse than I expected - After my rather epic journey came a rather epic day at the hospital. My 10am appointment came and went and I think we didn't get into seeing the consultant until noon. As soon as we got in, we knew it was going to be bad news. The ct scan showed widespread secondaries in my lungs as it had gone into my lymph system. There was also a probable small one in my liver plus all the bony secondaries in my pelvic bones. He wouldn't give a time limit as such but when we asked about booking a holiday for next year, he said wait nearer the time. He then talked about a few months to a year so it was rather a lot to take on board. Rather an understatement but it is difficult to put into words what crossed my mind at that time. He wanted me to have a chest x-ray to see if the spread could be seen there rather than have CT scans again to see if the proposed chemo is working and a liver ultrasound to confirm the secondary in my liver. We then went off for these tests and came home as there were no nurses to do the chemo.
We then returned the next day so that I could have the new chemo. This went OK but I don't know how many veins I've left as I need to go for 2 out of 3 thursdays and it is very corrosive to the veins. The worst part of this chemo is low blood counts and constipation!! Oh well, now have a huge supply of laxatives to take if needed.
Beginning to tell people now and it is very hard. I really can't believe that they think my life is going to be so short. I know I don't feel completely well but I don't feel that bad either. Just short of breath when I walk and the pain in my hip and pelvis and I am tired. I suppose that does sound like I'm poorly doesn't it.
On a good note - now have bridge tokens to get me across the bridge free!!


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