fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Rough Day - Wonderful Children
I was not expecting to feel so rough after a third of a dose of taxol. I woke up after a good night's sleep buy could hardly breathe so the twins had to get the nebuliser ready for me before I could even contemplaate getting out of bed. This helped enormously. I then realised that I had very few nebules left so had to phone the GP and they were very good at getting a prescription done immediately for me. I also phoned the chemo helpline as had an allergic redface like I used to get on taxotere and felt so sick and then would have diarhoea so then had no idea if managing to keep any of the medication down. This is the worst I've ever felt on chemo.
Life with a family especially when going away tomorrow has to go on. So, the washing went on and the twins put the washing out for me and did the ironing. Inbetween times, they were running around with the sick bowl and tissues and heating up my heat pad for my tummy. They were so good that I was pleased when the second hand but very cheap PS2 arrived - feel a bit guilty buying such an old machine but then they are still able to get newish games for it but reluctant to buy a wii yet. Busy day for parcels - some mugs arrived for hubby, the case of wine appeared and Laura's mattress. so good job we didn't go anywhere!!
The registrar that I spoke to today suggested upping the dexmethasone to 4mg for next few days to help with my sickness and breathing so this is why I'm up at 330am typng my blog. Have got hungry so had a forticreme mousse thing and also managed a fortisip earlier plus some diorylyte which made me feel better. Hubby had gone out on a delivery just when i needed him home. I thought that was the idea of him working in the office so he was there when I needed him. Anyway, we survived and I had a good sleep this afternoon and when I woke up I then had to get Pete to get me more supplies of pills and stuff for my long line!!
I sat on the bed and supervised the packing but I seem to be taking a whole load of medicines and stuff for my long line which sems to be taking up a lot of room plus my oxygen and nebuliser. Looks like we're moving away for a month.
Hubby treated them all to fish and chips this evening.
I've had a bath ot rather hubby gave me a bath as just too weak to manage on own. Still not heard back from the finacial assessment team to see how much this care package will cost me. I saw the man on 6th august and I need this care to start now as too weak to bath by myself now and need the domestic help as well. Have to chase that up when we get back.
Had a strange letter from the mortgage company that talked about the data protection act but basically admitting that they have lost our original mortgage application and there is nothing they can do about it. This is because I knew I ticked the box for life insurance and had assumed i was paying for it when I wasn't but had had no letter from the bank telling me my life wasn't insured. Very conveniently lost don't you think???!!! I've sent it all of to my financial advisor and she will take it to the ombudsman as I haven't the energy to fight this but at the same time don't want hubby to lose his lump sum to paying off a mortgage that we thought was covered. Life is not straight forward is it.
Now 4 days off the morphine tablets so pleased as didn't really have too many problems coming off it.
The registrar yesterday suggested I shouldn't be driving but I'm not sure why as I'm not taking any tablets that effect my responses unless he just meant that I was too ill to drive now. I'm Ok locally but would definately think twice before going 120 miles to my sister again. Got one more trip booked for after the bank holiday weekend so should be OK for that as only about 60 miles and staying over in travel lodge to break journey up.
Forgot to say when I asked to see the result of my xrays from last week, the reg could see them on the screen but were not reported on but looks as if now got new secondaries in lumbar spine and in coccyx area. The coccyx area is one I'm aware of as feeling that I'm sitting on a lump. Will have to wait for 2 weeks to find out the proper result and if need anything like rads to it and the lump under my right arm is approx 4cm square now so have got lots of things to measure against to see if taxol working - my breathing, liver function and lump so may not get another scan for 10 weeks. The reg thought if taxol seemed to be working then may have up to 18 weeks treatment which was a bit of a surprise as that makes the last dose christmas day!! Just have to see how this goes and if it only knocks me out for 24 hours and is working then it will be worth it but if have too many side effects and not working then may have to give up and let nature take its course. But not yet as my memory stuff isn't complete, nor my life story nor is the cross stitch, nor the than you cards - have too many balls in the air so must knuckle own and get something finished!!!
I've actually managed 3 months off chemo this time which has been the longest break I've had since mar 06 to sept 06 so quite pleased.
Getting tired now- hurray!!

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