fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Friday, November 16, 2007

I forgot to say yesterday, I had a lovely surprise - a white van turned up with a parcel for me for a change!!!! It was a lovely red heart helium 'hug' balloon that stands on its little cardboard feet and has outstretched hands and bobs about in front of the radiator and is making me very happy!! It also came with a box of chocolates - the only problem is I don't know who it has come from as there is a message but no name!! So a big thank you to the anonymous person/people as it cheered me up and still is for that matter.
I also felt happier that I can now do my cross stitch again as enough movement has returned for me to hold onto the frame. Still feel upset about the knitting but will have to teach myself the one handed method I think.
I went shopping in Chichester today. It seemed so civilised and has still got a lot of independent shops or the smaller shops like Monsoon. It is also all on the flat which it is ideal for me and has independent tearooms so we managed to have a lovely brunch and later another lunch!!! We actually managed to shop for about 5 hours!!! Good job I was feeling better today as I couldn't have managed that on wednesday!! My arm still has red patches on which are very itchy and a bit bumpy but is so much better. Last night, the scar on my left elbow (where I broke my elbow and has the lymphoedema and cellulitis) split open a little bit and revealed a little pus but today the whole area looks better but that open area is still sore. It is hard trying to fit in 4 doses of antibiotics before food in 24 hours though.
My breathing has also improved since having the antibiotics so must have still had some infection there as well.
Now all I need is for my oesphagus to heal after that awful sickness bug. I do struggle at times to swallow food and it hurts. I can't believe that the GP reckons it will take about a month to heal. I'm OK with soup and cereal and minced dishes with sauces but pieces of meat and especially bread when I first eat seems to get stuck but then when I drink, it seems to open it up and I can swallow but it remains sore. Since I had the CT scan after this started and nothing was seen, we are going on the assumption that it is just where I must have torn it when I was so sick.
I've been asked by one of the breast cancer charities to do a podcast about living with secondary breast cancer and its effects on my family, friends and work colleagues and general life etc. I am interested in doing it but worried I might either bore people with my endless ramblings or scare people. I suppose I can speak about what we've done as a family over the last 14 months when I was diagnosed with secondaries even though my hip pain had started 4 months previously and my breathing had been an issue for a long time - it just didn't show whatever scan I had. Will let you know if this comes off.
Off out to see friends tomorrow evening for a meal and then staying overnight whilst the children are at the Grandparents which is a huge help especially as they are going over about 2pm so I can have a sleep. I'm then meeting the Gobby Gang on the sunday!!



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