fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Hedgehog House - Laura wanted her dad to build a hedgehog house and after finding some fresh hedgehog poo, sunday morning, the great hedgehog house building project began. In my innocence, I thought this would be at the very most a half day job. Wrong!!!!! This was a whole day and a bit job!! By the evening, the hedghogs had a house worthy foi the royal family with a carpet lining, loads of leaves, food, breathing pipe and little runway in and I was exhausted and so was hubby. Sunday night seems to have turned into bath night so Laura was first in when there was a scream and much yelping from downstairs and I found hubby doubled up because he'd hurt his little finger. I was stuck - Laura in the bath - boys confused why a harmless game had turned their dad into a doubled up mess and a hubby with a poorly finger!! I took the only action open to me and phoned his parents in the hope that I could get his brother to sort out his sibling. After a little while, big brother turned up to take little brother to the Walk-In-Centre to get them to look at his finger and peace was restored inside the house. 2 of the children got baths so that was an achievement which still leaves me with one dirty child. No prizes for guessing which one did not make it in the bath - I think in an earlier blog I mentioned this child's attitude to showering!!!
Monday - inset day. The problem with having children in different schools the inset days do not match up so this time it was AJ's turn to be off. The plan was to go to the New Forest and play outside with AJ's best friend so that his mum and I could sit and chat. Horrendous fog put a stop to that so we went to an indoor play area instead for over 3 hours!! No wonder AJ is still tired and miserable.As they do bottomless cups of tea, we were in luck!! There was also very few children there so the boys could wreak havoc without upsetting anybody!!
I had to pick the twins up after Hi 5s and as I was driving offf rom the school, I had right of way but had to stop suddenly because of 3 boy cyclists zooming straight across. They were being chased by none other than hubby who gesticulated for me to follow and take up the pursuit. So there we all were, 3 boys in black on bikes, a man in yellow on a bike and a woman and 3 children in a pink car!! After many shouted conversations, I gathered that hubby had seen these lads break into and steal something from a woman's car. After about 10 minutes of pursuiting at 30mph, we lost them. Hubby went back to the woman's car and told her what he'd seen. She'd left her purse and mobile on the front seat whilst she went into the nursery to pick her child up!!! So was it worth risking life and limb and points on my licence - probably not but it was quite fun!!!!


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