fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hubby's week off - As he was due holiday, hubby decided he would have this following week off as he didn't know how long I would be in hospital for.
Tuesday, (the day after I came out of hospital), he started on the car port for the morris minor. I went to get some food and book the holiday to Prague with my sister and my mum. I did this and felt pleased that we could book it and go from a local airport rather than Gatwick. My brilliant friend did my ironing in the afternoon
Wednesday - rushed off to get hubby's birthday pressies and back in time for the hospice nurse to come. It was supposed to be Woody's Harvest Festival but it got cancelled due to the rain. He was playing his 2 note recorder tune and I wanted (honestly I did) to hear him play it. This was the last Harvest Festival I could go to as parents are not invited to the junior school ones and I also wanted to hear 'Cauliflowers are fluffy' as well.
That evening, I cooked a sponge birthday cake and a friend came round and I instructed her in the art of making a chocolate coconut cake. It is too heavy for me to stir and anyway I needed someone to share a glass of wine with!
Thursday - nurse led vineralbine day. A miracle occurred. I had a 9.15 appointment and we were out by 11.30am. Hubby came with me but he was not there at the vital moment when the nurse was putting in a cannula. Instead, I squeezed a trainee pharmacist's hand!! As we finished so early, it meant we had time for lunch out. Just as we were eating it, I remembered Woody had an optician's appointment at 3.40 so we had to dash back for that. Now, i thought Woody was just exaggerating the fact he couldn't see the board but the optician confirmed he couldn't!! What a bad mum I am!! Just to add to the day's busyness - it was patrents' evening at the twin's school so quick tea before dashing off there.
Friday - up early to decorate the lounge for hubby's birthday and for him to open pressies before breakfast. I'd already arranged to meet soemone from the forum for lunch so after the children went to school, I drove over to the shopping outlet for shopping and lunch. That went well and it was good o meet soemone from the forum face to face.
The afternoon was busy getting tables organised for hubby's friend, wife and 2 young children to come for tea. I was just about to start cooking when I realised that 1 can of beans was not enough between 9 people so hubby then had to go out to buy more. Then I forgot to put the chips on so it was definately the return of dippykate.


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