I started an 18 week course of taxol on 16th August last year so was supposed to have had the last one on Christmas Day but due to hospital admissions,eurodisney,christmas and new year, I had the 18th today It seemed to be working as my liver function was normal after my blockage in july and i could eat normal food as my tumour squashing my oesophagus had shrunk as I had been on 1st stage baby food from april to sept last year. However, since christmas my swallowing had become more difficult but had improved through the 3 weeks in january when I had the chemo. However, only missing 1 week last week I'm now back to regurgitating bread etc. I was hoping that by having more taxol which I'd been promised previously would reshrink the tumour. However, the Reg I saw today feels I am too tired and that taxol is failing as my skin met has reappeared and my breast lump has returned. I also pointed out that I felt I had some swelling on both sides above my collar bone and my hickman line was hurting where it disappears over that area. She had a feel of my neck and says I now have further spread in my lymph system in my neck so wants me to stop the taxol and have a CT scan asap - means 2 - 3 weeks and come back to clinic after the cT. She said I looked too tired to continue but my blood tests were absolutely fine and hadn't changed. I'm not anaemic and my wbc is respectable. I want to continue until I have my CT scan as I know how aggressive my cancer is and if I stop taxol now my CT scan will show huge growth whereas if I stay on taxol it will be a mixed bag hopefully and I will be able to swallow. She was going on about my quality of life not being good if I am tired and to me, my quality of life is more about being able to eat normally with my family even if I sleep more in the day. The children would prefer I could eat normally and have an afternoon sleep than regurgitate and eat pureed food and be active.It occurred to me when I got home that I hadn't put any make up on this morning when I usually do wear it to chemo so I'm better at doing my makeup than I thought I was - thank you Beneficial all in one foundation! (Am running out so thought i'd buy a cheap version as now on benefits but think I will buy the same again if it is that effective!!!)Am scared that it has spread whilst on chemo but actually think it grew during those 4 weeks off over christmas as last time it only took 3 weeks for the liver one to appear and make me go yellow so it probably did grow during that time. Also, if stop taxol now I'll be back to pureed food in 2-3 weeks and I just can't face that.Am I being unrealistic to push to stay on taxol for 3 more weeks to see what CT scan is like and to see if it does improve my swallowing and shrink my lumps and skin ones.I really have reached the end now of chemo options unless they are willing to let me have vineralbine again which they were in November after I recovered so well after nearly dying. Next week, I will go with someone who can fight my corner and I will see the consultant rather than the Reg.Came home very upset and tearful but at least this time I had managed to talk to one of the chemo nurses about what had happened today and she was really good and did spend quite a lot of time with me.I am not ready to die - I still have a lot of energy and my breathing is OK but knowing how aggressive my cancer is if i don't have chemo I will be dead within 8 - 12 weeks and having pushed the boundaries this far, I want to push them further and live a little longer and I am so scared of not being able to swallow as it was so awful last time. I know I can't go on much longer - my heart is bad, I need diuretics and my lung function is poor but I have a reasonable but limited life and i just want a last chance. I live too far away to go on trials at the marsden as it would defeat the object of staying alive if I'm not here half the time.You're advice pleae - should I just accept I've reached the end or do I push to stay on taxol for 3 more weeks and switch to vineralbine.
I do mean to go back to telling you about eurodisney asap but other things are more important at the moment.
Labels: new lymph node spread, taxol failing
At 9:59 AM ,
Anonymous said...
If you want to push for Taxol push for it!! Your amazing! Go for it! x
At 10:25 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Kate.........there is not one person who can advise you about this. You will know yourself when YOU are ready to stop fighting. Do not let anyone else tell you when that should be............not doctors, not family and not friends. If you still want to fight then DO IT! It is your life to live as you see fit. Whatever you decide you have people around who will support you. Debbie XXXXXXXXXXX
At 10:26 PM ,
Anonymous said...
If you're feeling you can handle it then demand it. Afterall everyone looks tired on chemo... and without makeup and just back from a trip to Disney what are you meant to look like? Reg's sometimes need to remember what real life is like.
I think that you deserve to get to spend as much time as you can with your kids, eating meals, saving your energy for them and sleeping in the day if you need to.
Besides don't you have some memory books to get on with!! You didn't really need to ask us, you know the answer... if the Taxol will give you a few more family meals and escape from puree then have the Taxol.
Only you can decide what "quality of life" means to you. Being tired is not poor quality of life to you..
Before you see the consultant sit down and really figure out what you consider good quality of life... write it down and take it with you. Sending positive energy your way... good luck.
At 2:17 PM ,
Clare said...
Whaterver you decide you know you have support
Clare xx
At 7:24 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Kate, you are really an astonishing. I do not manage to do half the things you do, yet you clearly have bags more energy than me. As I've already said on the site, you need to tell the reg where to get off, or better still get a friend to, You know far better than he does.
You can do this Kate good on you.
At 9:35 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kate, follow your heart. Do what it tells you. Sending you positive thoughts.Stranger/Friend
At 10:21 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Only you can decide what your quality of life is. I relly understand the family eating together thing...it is very impotant to me and my familyand there is nothing wrong with having a sleep in the afternoon. The reg was wrong, be ready with the consultant and do what is right for you and your family.
At 6:15 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Kate you are one of the bravest people I know and you do so much with your life how can it be right to stop chemo, push for it as hard as you can I wish you so many good wishes love suzan x
At 5:03 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Kate i have followed your blog since i was on the bcc site though i do not go on much (i can't seem to use the new look site) of course you must fight on. My sister as you know was only 32 and her kids were 4 and 6 when she died of bc and she always said that life was precious and never to forget it so each extra day that you spend with them is precious for all of you so please fight on. She knew herself when she couldn't fight any more and i am sure that when that time comes for you you will know but it isn't now so go get somebody to help fight your corner. Good luckx Laura aka lol2705
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