This has been such an odd week. I've tried really hard to get on with the organisation of my dying requests in the Hospice, writing the Will, seeing a Benefits man, planning a Thanksgiving Service at the Crem and negotiating prices and services offered by Funeral Directors. For me, it has been easier as I've now managed to get hubby to look at these things with me so it is not such a surprise when I get to the end. He will not read the blog so it has come as a huge emotional blow with each meeting we've had about each service.
I can't really believe that I am doing this with such detachment as in Aug - Sept 07, we were planning similar things but for the renewal of our Wedding Vows and in such a short space of time we are heading at the opposite end of the spectrum. It is the planning if music, readings, prayers and flowers that are so heartbreaking. Hubby suggested he might try to get some of the funeral tributes dried out and framed as we did for my sedding bouquet. We should have done this for the renewal as well but too late now.
I've spent ages with finance companies, banks etc and now need to get letter from GP to confirm that I am terminally ill so that we can transfer the children's accounts into the children's names with appropriate trustee signatures and for me to get hold of a very tiny private pension I'd forgotten about but will come in useful for the summer hols!! Unfortunately, there is so much we can not do as these companies all need the same original death certificate so will take hubby a long time at the end to clear things up which seems an added stress at such a stressful time. It seems so silly as the endowment is going to pay out the same at my death now or in 1 yrs time so they may as well pay it now and would help us out financially and make it less stressful for hubby.
The Benefits man was helpful and after I've gone at least we know how hubby and children can access benefits.
This Benefit System is silly beyond belief. As I get higher rates for mobility and personal care, someone is entitled to claim Carer's Allowance for me. I do need this extra money to pay for my increasing care. The problem is hubby can't claim as he is working more than 16 hrs a week and nor can my mum who is my main carer as she is over 65 nor can my inlaws who care for me because of the age thing. The Government puts a cap on how much pensioners can claim per week. Apparently, there is a minimum pension allowance and then this can be topped up with Pension Credit and then this can lead to reductions on council tax etc. On the other hand, the Government then limits the upper amount of income per week for Pensioners before financial help is withdrawn so infact most pensioners can not claim the full attendance allowance. So basically pensioners are expected to live off a set amount regardless if they are the main carer for someone other than their spouse or not and yet may still need to pay for carers!! Seems so long winded.
If someone wants to become my carer and either works under 16 hrs pw and also earns around just above minimum wage level, please consider caring for me as I do need help and I need help to pay for it as well.
The meeting with the vicar was useful but he is not computer literate and I'm so used to just googling something rather than having bits of paper photocopied everywhere. He is going to contact The Sisters of Senacor (sounds too much like Sennacot to me) who interpret scriptures and write prayers so will see what they can come up with and will also have to approach the children to see if there are any prayers they want to say and also ask you good people who know me to consider either writing a small piece about me to either read out at the Thanksgiving Service or to put into a compilation for the vicar or someone else to read out. So many of you know me from different walks of life that I think it would be better to try to get some order going to save confusion later on and that you don't get bored rigid when you are listning to my service!!!
The meeting with the Undertaker was interesting. Part of the reason why one of the quotes was so cheap was that there was no mention of a coffin!! Rather an essential part of the whole process wouldn't you think!!!! Anyway, now have proper quote from one company and can go back to the other company and get a like for like quote and meet the Undertakers so that hubby can decide who he wants to work with. There is apparently, an Open Day at one of these undertakers next week which seems odd but I suppose they have to drum up business as well as trade on their name.
One of the odd things we were looking at in the Brochure was the type of Order of Service pamphlets you can order - seemed very cheap and good quality so will do this but can also order a bookmark, thank you card for coming/donating and another type of card. What a business opportunity!!! Can't see why any of you would want a bookmark to mark my thanskgiving and can be quite sure but am sorry that hubby and family will be too upset to write to say thank you for all your help, contributions and flowers etc after the event so at this very premature time, I would like to say a huge advanced thanks for everyone of you who has made this journey so much more bearable for us and the hopeful continued support you will all give to each other and our families.
Sorry to be so maudlin.
Hoping to be home later so next post should bebrighter in content I think
Labels: benefits, funeral directors, general readings, scripture readings, Thanksgiving Service
At 11:47 AM ,
Anonymous said...
you can get more than one death certificate - you can pay for extra ones when you register a death. Or you can get your solicitor, if you have one, to do certified copies. Then you can send them all off to different places at the same time
At 9:36 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Dear Kate,
I write this to you with tears running down my cheeks. You are such a wonderful person. Having to go through this is just so unfair.
Although we have never met in person, you have been a great cyber friend and we have shared so much. Your strength, courage, and humour in the face of all that cancer throws at you is both amazing and inspirational. Kate my friend, i would be honoured to write something for your service and tell everyone of the wonderful Kate that i know.
If you would like me to write something just Pm me ok.
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