Poor Laura came back from camp with such a bad cold and cough that she ended up having tuesday off sick and got some antibiotics for her chest.
Monday and tuesday was school production days so each year group did their own little sketch show or panto. Laura was in the choir bit but had to mime as she was coughing so much, Woody was the techy man and did all the powerpoint bits and music effects etc so proud of them both.
AJ was a competitor in the archery competition for Robbing Hood of Sherbert Forest. He was upset that he didn't have any lines to say but he was definately acting!!!
Tuesday got off to an odd start. My oxygen machine started bleeping madly and at the same time AJ came dashing in saying all the lights were flashing which they were. We went dashing around unplugging things incase there was a power surge but within 5 minutes all the power had gone. It was about 640am!! We were told there had been a fire in the substation but it turned out to be a cable fire at the end of the road. The odd thing was, we could see the houses that back onto ours had power and so did the people who's gardens backed onto the houses opposite us. We then found out that there would be no power till early evening. It was a good job, my emergency oxygen supply is for 10 hours and I didn't really need it now during the day. It was amazing all these things I wanted to do but couldn't cos of having no power. Luckily, we have a gas hob so still could have boiled water for tea - life would have been unbearable without tea. I'd have been forced out to buy one!!! We took some boiled water in a thermos up to a friend as they are all electric. We did get our power back by 1230pm so that was a relief.
On wednesday, one of my friends and her husband came down to see me and brought me a photo album with her written memories in and I also received some other wonderful letters and photos from other friends. Did we really look that young and wear such clothes - how scary!!
Thank you but you've all made me out to be such a lovely person and I don't think that is entirely true is it!!!
Thursday was the children's first day off school which confused me as it felt like saturday. Beginning to suffer again with chest pain and being unable to eat properly again - such a shame so close to christmas - will be having it pureed at this rate.
In the evening my friend who I worked with and who makes cards came round with her guillatine to help me with my photo albums. She has made such a beautiful job, and so quickly, it puts my efforts to shame!!!
Friday, Woody had an almost all day party at his friends house and then returned the next day to go to watch the footie and spent most of the day there.
Saturday night - 2 couples from hubby's college days came over. We had a chinese takeaway and used the dishwasher so it required little effort apart from finding which takeaway to go to. Our favourite had been shut recently and opened 'under new management' because of rats in he kitchen!! What a horrible thought as we used to go there quite a lot so now we are all wondering what we have eaten!!
Sunday, my sister arrived so there was 11 of us for lunch which my bro -in-law mainly cooked and it was such a beautiful piece of pork but unfortunately, I am now really struggling with meat but I did try to eat a little.
Poor hubby had developed a cold/flu thing so spent most of his time in bed or asleep. We opened pressies about 4pm which was rather emotional as I'd put special photos of me with mum and my sister plus a big multiframe photo of us all in. We all got very tearful so hopefully that will be all the tears we shed over christmas over and done with.
Today, christmas eve has been quite a quiet affair and I'm struggling more now with eating and needing my oxygen more and needed an afternoon sleep so roll on 27th and let's hope I can get the same good reduction in symptoms I got last time but will last the 3 weeks. It is so scary being unable to swallow and getting food stuck and being sick/regurgitating. It hurts and effects my breathing as well and I'm scared I might just collapse but usually it just pops out and then I feel better.
Well feel I must have done sommething wrong - don't normally have this much time on christmas eve to be blogging, usually, rushing around trying to get evrything ready.
Merry Christmas to you all and thank you for all your support and help through this year especially.
Labels: memory boxes and christmas
At 11:45 AM ,
desperate parent said...
Kate, your strength and courage are an inspiration. I'm appalled at some of your treatment at the hands of the NHS and admire your tenacity in fighting for the care you need and are entitled to.
I hope and pray that things improve for you. Miracles do happen, never give up.
At 11:50 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Kate, your strength and courage are an inspiration. I am appalled at some of the treatment you've received from the NHS and admire your tenacity at fighting for at least some of the care that should be your right.
Don't give up. Miracles do happen and I wish you the Happy New Year you so richly deserve.
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