fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Saturday, December 15, 2007

After all the doom and gloom of thursday, I woke up friday morning at 1030am!! No pain in my chest!!! I also could manage to eat something other than liquid - I still needed to drink plenty as I ate but at least i could get to eat something more exciting than very thin soup. Feel more hopeful now and feel I was right to push for this chemo.
Saturday evening, we went to hubby's sisters for the evening for christmas nibbles etc. It didn't get off to a very good start as I immediately regurgitated all my food but after that I was fine and managed to eat some crisps and bacon and cheese rolls plus red wine and port!!
Sunday - still painfree and feel well if a bit tired.
Monday - actually went to the shops and did a little shopping. It is difficult to get the scooter plus oxygen in some lifts - Boots is particularly bad for the size of its lift. Unfortunately, I seem to have a chest infection - determined to do this without resorting to antibiotics. Hardly need oxygen at all now but do need it for sleep.
Tuesday - went to AJ's In2 Music concert at his school. They had very kindly reserved me a chair but it was right at the end and what with having a different chair and my oxygen, I felt very obvious and got very tearful and ended up getting a friend to sit with me until the concert started. It was the turn of the guitars, double basses and violas. They also sang as well as played . It was quite lovely but I think we made the right decision withe double bass as it sounded really good.
wednesday - the nurse and techno guy came down from breast cancercare and I recorded my podcast about living with secondary breast cancer. I was actually losing my voice so don't think it will be very good and I spent all my time going on about the children so it will be really boring for those without children. We talked for over an hour so far too long as well.
Late afternoon, I met up with an old (actually she is much younger than me so it is not quite the right word!!!) Folkestonian from work and I managed to walk a little wat without oxygen to the outdoor shop to buy thermal underwear, gloves and hats and a rucksack for the camping expedition. The young lad was really helpful and ran up and downstairs getting things for me as I explained I was unwell. Then when I paid, the older woman assistant was really rude to him about where he had left the pin and chip machine so i made sure I made it known how helpful he had been to us. We then went for a coffee before meeting up at the Bella Italia for a work christmas meal. I actually managed to eat a cannelloni and a chocolate mousse. It was lovely to eat normally again and not have to worry about regurgitating food.
Thursday - felt OK in morning and went out shopping with a friend. She found it very interesting how people just don't see you in a scooter and how narrow places are for scooters and wheelchairs. We actually had time for a coffee and long chat which was lovely as we so often only see each other for a couple of minutes as she hands me her dinner that she cooks each week for us.
In the afternoon, I suddenly felt awful and spent between 2 -7pm in bed asleep. Then felt really fluey and was freezing cold and back in bed by 9pm. Now feeling I've made wrong decision and if this is what my life will be like then I might as well give up now. I just felt so ill.
On a good note, getting responses from people about their memories of me in the past so that is encouraging.
Friday - got up at 10am and feel so ill. My friend is coming round for a chat. At the time, I wanted the company but just wanted to go back to bed and curl up and never wake up. Anyway, my friend came and we had a good chat and she did some food shopping for me. I still felt awful though. She persuaded me to get some antibiotics which I started that evening.
By 7pm - I felt better than I had done for a couple of days. The twins and I packed for their camping trip - yes - they are camping in this freezing weather.
Hubby was babysitting after taking the twins out aud I felt well enough to sit with AJ to watch a couple of episodes of Dr Who before he had a late bed. Then I couldn't get to sleep.
Beginning to feel much better and that it was the right decision so here's hoping that the next cycle I only feel rough for a couple of days. I don't mind sleeping some afternoons but hopefully not all and I hope I don't feel as rough as i did thursday afternoon and friday morning.



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