Luckily or so it felt, football training was cancelled as the pitch was solid so could get the lie i that I wanted.
So amazingly cold and icy here. Makes the garden look beautiful but it is too cold for me to venture out really.
I did meet up with some other 'younger women' with breast cancer in Benny's and Frankies. Good place to meet as food was delicious but again the background noise does interfere with conversation. As there were only 7 of us we managed to get a round table which was good. We discussed how we could meet but not to have lunch out all the time - we called the next meeting a credit crunch one so that we just meet in a pub and so people can eat if they want to but otherwise just have a coffee. I know I put the date and time in my diary but not sure about the name of the pub and where it is though. at least, i've got their number so i can contact them.
While I was getting ready to go out, hubby was telling the children to get ready to go 'wodgy hunting'. It seemed to take them ages to get ready and in the end, poor hubby had to get them all out the car again as AJ was taking no responsibility for himself in getting ready and hadn't packed his gloves. Tempers soared and it was very unpleasant but AJ is not pulling his weight and not taking on the responsibilities that an 8 yr ols should be able to do, like finding his gloves, hat and scarf.
We try not to treat him as the youngest but he does like to play on it and use it to his advantage. So he'll make himself a sandwich and do his breakfast cereal as he is hungry but won't help me as he says everything is too difficult for him at his age. This tends to be things like helping me unload the dishwasher or helping sorting out the never ending pile of socks and underwear!!!
The HR department did send me the right form with a date on so I can claim benefits from next saturday. Now we know it's going to happen, it would have been better to finish yesterday so we could start claiming now rather than wait before we find out how much we'll get.
After returning home after my lunch out, Lady Hamilton came round to sit in my Lloyd Loom chair and chat. It was bliss as I was so comfy in bed and we could chat without being interupted by the children and that was the idea of decorating my bedroom into a sanctuary after all.
Then spent the evening watching Harry Hill etc and other game shows so good family time together.
sunday - hubby took them all out swimming. One of my friends came round just as they were returning so that Laura could get her christmas present from her daughter and again, we could use my sanctuary as a place for private conversation. Whilst I was chatting, one of hubby's morris minor friends came round and AJ then went off to his friend's house leaving Woody to play xbox games with my friend's son and Laura playing with her daughter - they're at the same school anyway.
This evening, the twins both did their homework but it didn't occur to me that AJ hadn't done his till about 11pm so will be a rush in the morning.
Have arranged to stay with my sister - well most of us will stay in the local Premier Inn but you can see what I mean so we can celebrate 2 of her daughter's and my birthday. Looking forward to going away and hoping I can meet a cyber friend who lives near her, so she can turn into a 'real' friend!!
Swallowing is definately better after that one dose of taxol on thursday so hope it continues that way and can stay on this weekly taxol for longer than the end of the month. My main problem is that the long acting morphine is not helping as much as it should with my back pain so will have to ask about increasing the amount of MST I take. It's all the crunchy noises I don't like - I can cope with the pain but the noises and the way it is affecting my mobility is more difficult.
Labels: birthday, going away, weekly taxol
At 5:49 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kate
never commented before but have followed your blog for a while. I admire your strength and determination, I was diagnosed three years ago today, it was Friday 13th 2006...funny I wasn't really thinking of it yesterday but I have been today. I kept a blog for a while, it was very theraputic but now I tend to write poems to express how I feel. I have written a poem for you on bcpals...hope you don't mind.
I live in Sussex...don't know if that's near your sister...
All the best and much respect,
At 1:40 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hello Kate,
I was diagnosed in November and just starting 3 FEC and 3 Tax next Friday. I discovered your blog by chance and find the way you write about the cancer interwoven with your every day life places both informative and interesting. I am currently awaiting the results of CT and bone scans, and will not be suprised if they find it has spread - and your blog provides some comfort in knowing that if that is the case it is still possible to have a fulfilling life alongside the disease. Even if we know that our expectany will be cut short. Victoria
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