fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Meeting Friends
I got woken up earlier than I'd expected to on friday as I forgot the carer was coming so early to do the domestic things. I got her to clean the fridge out as it was a bit of a health hazard!!
I eventually got going and went out via Tesco Direct to collect some photo frames and Laura's rucksack for school. The boxes for the frames seemed huge so was worried about what exactly I'd ordered!! This made me late leaving for my friend's house and then I had to stop to get petrol so got to her house about 30 minutes late.
It was lovely to see her again and we had a good chat before a wonderful lunch of soup, salad and bread. I found already that my swallowing felt better so hope to prove that oncologist wrong and that taxol will continue to work for me.
Their garden was beautiful with all the frost that was remaining clinging onto the trees and euphorbia. The ice was so thick in places. The wheelbarrow was full of frozen ice. I wished I had Pete's camera as there were almost icicles hanging off the trees and bushes and it looked as if it deserved a photoshoot.
About 4pm when I was thinking about leaving I just couldn't keep awake, I could feel myself nodding off. Eventually, I just gave in and laid on the settee with a lovely cover that my friend brought down and went to sleep for the best part of 2 hours. I felt a lot better when I woke up but quite embarassed as well, as you don't normally expect your guest to fall asleep when you are talking to them!!! I suppose it was a lot to do for the day after chemo and the day I had yesterday. I hadn't driven that far (about 15 miles) but further than I normally do and on a motorway so it was requiring more concentration than usual. I didn't get home until about 7pm.
Played on the nintendo ds lite for about an hour with the children.
I tried to send an email which took me about 3 hours as kept falling asleep at the laptop. Then when I did settle, Woody came in as had had a bad dream. He is so still when he cuddles into me and so different from the continual activities that is AJ. I was trying to distract him and talk to him but the words that kept coming out were so diffferent to what I thought I. I asked what I was saying but all Woody could tell me was that it gobblegook which I called goshbosh and was talking about casserole dishes as well. Eventually, he settled and went back to his bed and I continued to sleep.
At least, it was now the weekend so I could sleep in longer the next day.

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