fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Festivities
Monday was very hectic. I took AJ to the opticians to collect his new Starwars glasses and the optician was surprised that I hadn't taken both boys as Woody's glasses were also ready as well. It would have helped if they had phoned and told me that as they seem so keen on phoning you about everything else!! We had parked on the roof above Sainsbury's Home Store rather than than the food store. The lift down has always been dodgy and today, it was quite frighteningly squeaky. AJ said it sounded like hundreds of rats runniung away - I think it just needed oiling. We got his glasses and spent some time in Sainsbury's buying pressies for grandparents and a few extra bits incase I got caught out somewhere. As soon as we got back and I then had to take Woody back to the Opticians. These new ones from the independent trader seem much stronger than the previous ones from Dolland Aicheson so hope he loooks after them better this time.
I got back home and got a phone call from the occupational therapist at social services so she could inspect the stairliof. It seems a bit late now. It was fitted on friday and so if it was unsafe anything could have happened. She came out almost immediately and agreed that the lift did bump over where it was bolted onto the staircase but it was OK. I know it looks as if it has been stored in the damp as the ratchets all look rusty. I couldn't help wondering if once you are classed as terminally ill they give you the oldest lift available or is that my cynicism again??!!!
Then the carer came and I was glad to see her. She was supposed to have been cancelled but she she never got the call. Anyway, she got me a snack whilst I was waiting for Heather and her 2 boys to turn up.
They came about noon and after a quick cup of tea and sorting ourselves out, we went out to Pirate Pete's where there is a small playarea but just about kept them occupied until our dinners arrived. The food was lovely but a bit on the mean side I think. Laura had a chocolate sundae with chocolate brownies, cream and chocolate sauce and icecream and then polished off her twin brother's fudge cake!!! I'd had huge trouble getting AJ to leave the house - but Heather did the trick and got him to organise where we were to eat and generally cheered him up and gave him lots of praise so he felt better about himself and that he had been given the choice about what we were doing. he is so tired.
By the time we got home, my mum had arrived so I sat and rested whilst Heather did the ironing and mum hoovered and I sat there as the lady of leisure!!! We had a lovely afternoon chatting and then I took Heather and her boys back to the station. We timed it rught as the return journey looked awfully slow but by the time we'd been to the station, the queues had died down and we got home quickly.
I came up to bed in a bit of a state as we both felt that we were too overcommited to people over the christmas and we would be letting people down if we didn't turn up and I felt all confused over who we saw and who we didn't. I was just settling down as my back was sore when 2 of Pete's friends came over bringing food and wine with them. They are good company but I felt so overwhelmed with visiting people all over christmas and so eventually, I decided which iof the events I would cancel and felt much better then. I did spend so much of the evening in tears and just not being sociable but just needed to clear my head. Once I'd made up my mind i felt better and then could settle. i did apologise for spoiling their evening. They were both very understanding as I don't usually fall asleep or cry all over them. We did have some laughs though. AJ was in top form and using a huge vocabulary, although we did both panic when he started to talk about the Virgin Mary. He told us that it meant 'lady' so that saved our embarassment. it was lovely to see theo
Ttomorrow, I will not go back to the hospice as need to get food shopping done and mum is here to help me do that. There will be no therapists by the sound of it so think food will take precedence!!! The local theatre are coming to sing and do a condensed version of Cinderella. Normally, I like pantos but I go to the hospice for the alternative therapy and we've missed a lot of that recently which has been sad and i know the rest of the group feel the same.
Am having duck on wednesday, with gammon and chicken so that we don't have to do a big cook on christmas day - old family tradition on hybby's side.

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