fighting the invader

This is about my life as a woman of 46 yrs with breast cancer with young children

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Second Taxotere
At least I wasn't dreading it so much this time but was still feeling apprehensive. I got there just about on time and was second on the list. Hurray!! No long wait this time but something went amiss and I was seen by the registrar as the 8th patient and then had to wait to see the consultant and so was delayed again!! I missed my aromotherapy session because of this and then the drugs got stuck in pharmacy so I had to wait ages and was last to be seen again!! I eventually left about 4pm. I'd had intravenous piriton so was quite sleepy in the treatment room or at least I think it was that that stopped me and my accomplice being able to do any crossword properly (either that or we're not as clever as we thought!!) Once home I was all zingy and couldn't sleep due to the steroids. I only slept for about 4 hours and was up by 0430am. I got a lot done in that time but I'm not sure if other people appreciated this. People must have wondered why they were getting emails sent at such a strange time!!
Unfortunately, by the morning the rash had come came back but at least not so vivd or widespread and the piriton did help me sleep. I'd had an email from someone who'd had the same problem with taxotere and her consultants hadn't been so concerned so I felt more reassured.
I didn't feel too bad friday or saturday but during saturday night the vague pains in my joints became really bad that I couldn't sleep and I was feeling flulike and I didn't know what to do with myself. I took the maximum dose of paracetamol, neurofen and codeine for the next 36 hours but the pain, cramping and flulike symptoms didn't ever go completely. I could hardly get up the stairs. By tuesday I didn't feel too bad as long as I was warm enough but if I was cold I seized up again. Wednesday morning, I felt fine until ........... I was going to walk the children to school but Woody seemed to have his sixth sense switched on (or otherwise is even lazier than I thought) and said it would be too much for my joints so I drove to school. I was so glad I did. I had to walk about 50yds to AJ's school and by that time I was hobbling with pain. I then drove to the twins junior school and had to see them across the road and by then I could hardly walk. I'm not sure what other people thought I'd been up to but I will leave that up to their imagination!. It gradually improved over the next few days and I can now run up the stairs and walk properly in the cold. Good job as we're away this weekend and it's supposed to be really cold. Our first night away from the children in 18 months so would be good to be well! It would have been even more appreciated if my hair had stayed until at least my birthday on monday but no life doesn't work like that. This week, my hair decided to part company from my scalp. Great timing - birthday lunch, staying in a B and B, going out on monday with the kids to Pizza Hut and really cold weather forecast. Don't think the scarves I had for the summer will be much good so will be living in fleece hats!!
Oh well 2 done so 4 to go. How will I react next time?
On a a good note, we've booked our summer holiday to Cornwall with my mum, sister and her family and I should be able to go swimming then and hopefully I'll have hair back by then. Don't know what it will look like - black and curly again or will it come back white this time? The stress is obviously getting to hubby. He managed to drive into the pillar between us and our neighbour last night and completely demolished it! Looking at the mark on the car, it wasn't even the side of the car but mid-boot. Worrying thing is he drives a big lorry in the day so watch out if you are in Hampshire!!


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