I wasn't expecting an early morning call from my carer but I'd just resettled in bed at 8am when she arrived. Actually, it was probably a good job as I don't think I'd had a shower for a few days. She also made me breakfast as the effort of the shower had made me breathless and I hadn't taken my water tablet yet and I think I do still really need it.
After this, I spent some time in the kitchen repacking the dishwasher so it would wash properly and made various phonecalls. then my usual monday friend came and she tidied the kitchen and got the washing out the washing machine and into the tumble dryer - told you I was obsessed with washing!!! Then we made an attack in my bedroom to tidy things up a bit and managed to throw quite a bit away so i can see the floor and get to the wardrobe.
The hospice nurse then arrived to see how I was doing and was only here about 15 minutes when my friend from Oxford arrived so she left. Then the second carer of the day arrived to make my lunch. It felt a bit odd having someone make me beans on toast when I had 2 other people here.
I felt sort of confused with all this activity of people coming in and out of my house but very grateful for all this support.
After everyone left, my friend from Oxford sat down and ate the cream cakes she'd bought and I tried to make some more calls. It took 2 minutes to get through all the doctors' phone messages of 'choose 1 for appointments' etc to tell the district nurses I was home and to come on wednesday for my usual blood test. That seemed quite a lot of waiting to me.
I was also trying to get through to MacMillan Cancer Sales Department as I still haven't received any of the things I ordered on behalf of others after my Biggest Coffee Morning events. They are saying that they did not receive any cheques but I know I put them in the envelope. I couldn't use the cheques for any other purpose as they are all made out to 'MacMillan Sales' but I do know there was some confusion about some of the cheques as some people had addressed the cheques to 'MacMillan coffee morning' rather than 'MacMillan Sales' so I had to do some rejigging with cash etc so that I paid the right amount into the coffee morning fund and the rest to the sales department. I've the receipt for the coffee morning and that is for the right amount. I couldn't believe that MacMillan had made no effort to contact me so don't they value £100 of sales? I tried several times but kept missing the right person who was dealing with it and she missed me so will have to try again tomorrow. As I paid for my order by filling out the debit card number rather than a cheque, I'm having trouble checking whether it has cleared or not so will have to do that as well. This has sudenly become so complicated and it seemed so simple at the time!! The stuff from Breastcancer care arrived ages ago but as many people had ordered from both, I was waiting for the MacMillan stuff before giving it out. I will sort out the breastcancer care stuff and give it to you and let you know about the MacMillan things and if you did order, could you please check if your cheques have cleared. What a palava!!!
After all this, we then made another attempt at the bedroom and it looks much better now. Just needs a hoover.
One of Aj's friend's mums came round after school and cut all the family's hair (well not mine but not sure if starting to regrow or if just optimistic). Laura now has a much shorter and fashionable style and can still get it back into the all important ponytail. Woody looks so much better with shorter hair and AJ is still the surf dude. I felt relieved to know that my friend's opinion of the back of my hubby's head is the same as mine - 'a difficult hairline'!!! - so it's not my fault if I've clippered the back of his head unevenly, it's 'the difficult hairline's' fault!!! (and the fact, he holds his head on one side so never know whether straight is anatomically straight or how he holds his head, straight).
Pete went out to get food and our keysafe. Thank you David for contacting me about this. We now have a keysafe but Pete is still looking at the instructions and thought they were odd so may phone you if for some reason he can't figure them out. Think he was looking at the same time as doing something else as usually he is good at this sort of thing - just hope you didn't write the instructions!!!
I then tried to help the twins with their homework. I never did get round to phoning the school about why they hadn't noticed that Woody was so far behind with his history project. I thought they were checking it 2 weekly and his work hadn't changed in 3 weeks. He also was muddled when his english homework was due in so that has been a rush tonight for him so he is not happy. I'm quite happy finding out about St George and have learnt some interesting things about him. For example, did you know he was also the patron saint of Lithuania, Cataluna, butchers and sufferers of the bubonic plague!!! Rather an odd mixture!!!
Poor Laura is so stressed about her homework and spends so long on it and making sure she does it on time and to the best of her ability that it is really effecting her. No wonder she can't sleep. She is so determined to do her homework all on her own and won't ask for help from us which sometimes I think she does need to bounce ideas just to make sure she is heading in the right direction really. her project is on Geraint of Wales and I can't tell you anything about him but she has a big book on him so he is obviously very important and I think has something to do with St David but could be totally wrong as I haven't read her work, I was just helping her to understand some of the more academic words.
Came to bed about 9pm but chatted to Laura till about 930pm so rather late for her but I don't think she would have gone to sleep any earlier as she needed to destress first.
Tomorrow is hospice day and they've had to order a taxi for me because of the oxygen. I'm sure we've told our car insurance people but think that will need rechecking as well.
Thank you for your comments and I'm even more amazed now by how far across the world my blog is travelling.
Poor Pete is now trying to unblock the kitchen sink - not my fault - not cooked for months now but actually I think he is enjoying it as i suppose it is rewarding when it finally gets unblocked.
Labels: keysafe, MacMillan cancer, St George
At 2:05 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Oh Kate, i am so pleased that you are home. I know how hard it is to get used to having people in and out of your home all the time. I found it very difficult too as i had the nurse and physio coming to see me after my surgery. You will get used to it and it does get better. Not having to go out for care does help as you get so tired. Let them take care of you so that you can get some of your strength back.
I wish i was closer so i could help you out.
YOu are truly amazing. Sending you loads of love and hugs across the miles
your Canadian mate
At 9:42 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Kate
I recentley found your blog, and would like to say thanks for sharing. It's good to see that I'm not the only one who comes home from hospital and see's the washing needs doing! And now that you have minions to delegate the chores to, you can spend your time doing the things that are the most precious to you.
Just a thought, I too found taking Dexamethasone hard going, and the hosptial gave it to me by infusion instead, about 30 minutes before my Chemo. So the side effects where over a shorter period of time. Hope that's of some use to you?
Much luv to you
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